
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Completed Projects

Between 2011 and 2021, the Chair completed the following postgraduate research projects. If you require any of the Executive Summaries or wish to know more about any of these topics, please contact us via e-mail.

  1. Emerging data acquisition technologies in railway infrastructure condition monitoring and the adoption challenges 
  2. The Influence of different maintenance strategies on the reliability of rolling stock
  3. Development of an integrated numerical method for the fatigue analysis of railway bogies
  4. Implementation of machine learning techniques for railway wheel prognostics
  5. Application of reliability analysis for performance assessments in railway infrastructure asset management
  6. Effects of Modelling Simplifications in FEA of Railway wheels
  7. System Analysis for Improved Energy Recovery in a Regenerative Electrical Traction Network
  8. A Risk-reliability Comparison of Track Sections in the Passenger Railway Industry
  9. Integration of Lean Principles into Maintenance Supply Chains.
  10. Modelling service reliability of a heterogeneous train fleet operating on aged infrastructure
  11. A Systematic Approach to Enterprise Risk Management.
  12. Value-Adding Business Process Modelling: Determining the Suitability of a Business Process Modelling Technique for a Given Application.
  13. Understanding Reliability of Railway Infrastructure
  14. A Decision Support Model to Improve Rolling Stock Maintenance Scheduling based on Reliability and Cost
  15. Quantifying System Reliability in Rail Transportation in an Aging Fleet Environment.
  16. An Investigation into the Applicability of Lean Thinking in an Operational Maintenance Environment
  17. Reducing Risk in Large Scale Projects: Investigating the Integration of Systems Engineering Principles into Project Management
  18. A Risk and Cost Management Model for Changes during the Construction Phase of a Civil Engineering Project
  19. The Recommendation and Validation of an appropriate Physical Asset Management Policy for PRASA’s Metrorail Division
  20. Development of a Model for the Implementation of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Rail Rolling Stock Maintenance