The Department of Business Management: Highlights over the past 100 years
"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see. "
Winston Churchill
This quote by the visionary British Prime Minister Winston Churchill highlights the significance of learning from the past to shape a better future. As the Department of Business Management (henceforth called ‘the Department’) is celebrating its centenary this year, numerous achievements will be celebrated. A critical reflection will also be undertaken of the impact that its 23448 graduates have had on business and society, both locally and internationally.
The Department currently offers BCom and BCom Honours degrees in Management Sciences within five focal (specialisation) areas, including entrepreneurship and innovation management, financial management, financial planning, investment management, and marketing management. It is also the host department for the four-year BCom International Business degree.
As shown in Figure 1, more than 1100 students graduated with Business Management as one or both of their majors in 2022.1

Prominent alumni include Whitey Basson (Shoprite-Checkers), GT Ferreira and Paul Harris (FirstRand), Santie Botha (ABSA), Niel Krige (Momentum), Johan van den Berg (Eskom), Charles Parker (SAB), Wouter Hanekom (Pioneer Foods) and Francois Groepe (Media24). Sport stars such as Elana Meyer, Mornè du Plessis and Heerden Herman, and acclaimed artist Portchie also obtained their undergraduate qualifications in the Department.
Whereas topics such as the distribution of agricultural products no longer feature in curricula, others such as effective leadership, customer satisfaction and dealing with technological change still warrant research and debate today. From the very start, colleagues have asked questions about the purpose of private enterprise and how best to achieve this purpose. Many have shifted the frontiers of knowledge in this regard.
1924-1960 | Prof CGW Schumann |
1961-1969 | Prof J van der Meulen |
1970-1975 | Prof AE Scheurkogel |
1976 | Prof RJ van Wyk |
1977-1983 | Prof AE Scheurkogel |
1984-1986 | Prof IJ Lambrechts |
1987-1988 | Prof M Leibold |
1989-1990 | Prof IJ Lambrechts |
1993-1994 | Prof PG du Plessis |
1995-1996 | Prof FJ Mostert |
1997-1998 | Prof M Leibold |
1999-2000 | Prof FJ Mostert |
2001-2002 | Prof JU de Villiers |
2003 | Prof IJ Lambrechts |
2004-2006 | Prof NS Terblanche |
2007-2010 | Prof HC Boshoff |
2011-2013 | Prof L van Dyk |
2014-2023 | Prof HC Boshoff |
2024 | Prof G Human |
More details on these remarkable individuals are presented in this document. Statistics outlining the growth in staff numbers over the decades are also mentioned.
Prof CGW Schumann The Department was established in 1924 after the appointment of Prof Christian Gustav Waldemar (Christie) Schumann as senior lecturer. He was born to German parents in Klein Drakenstein in 1898 as one of ten children3. Schumann matriculated from Paarl Gymnasium High School and attended Stellenbosch 肆客足球 where he completed a BSc in Physics and Mathematics cum laude in 19194. As a student he had a vibrant social life. To him, this was a prerequisite for enjoying a healthy and well-rounded life. He loved nature and fine arts and was also known for his great sense of humor5.
After completing his degree, the Helpmekaar Association of the Cape persuaded him to change his field of study. The Association wanted to upskill Afrikaners in the fields of economics and commerce. As most of his contemporaries, Schumann pursued a Doctorate in Commerce at a Dutch university – in his case the Ekonomise Hoogeschool in Rotterdam. He wrote his doctoral examination in 1923 before returning to South Africa.
The Helpmekaar Association of the Cape provided Schumann with generous funding which he used to establish the Department of Business Economics in 19246 and the Faculty of Commerce and Administration a year later7. The Faculty, which is currently called the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, became the largest faculty of the university in 19918.
Schumann completed his doctoral dissertation on the credit market in South Africa in 19289. In 1932 he was appointed as the first Professor of Economics at Stellenbosch 肆客足球. Two years later, he became the dean of the Faculty, a position which he held until he retired in 1960. The photo below was taken at his farewell function in 1960 during which Dr T.E. D?nges, the 肆客足球’s Chancellor, presented him with a book on economic matters that was specially compiled for him by a group of his former students10.
During his tenure, Schumann was instrumental in developing the Department and Faculty’s academic offering and prominence. Amongst others, he pioneered the development of the Diploma of Commerce, the establishment of the Bureau for Economic Research and the extramural division of the Faculty in Bellville. The latter offered evening classes for BCom students and later became known as the Stellenbosch Business School. Schumann also served as a councillor and member of the 肆客足球 Senate and briefly acted as Rector in 195811. He furthermore initiated a bursary fund in honour of his father, Adolf Schumann, himself a Matie in the 1880s12.
Dr D?nges and Prof Schumann Schumann was a trailblazer in the areas of economic research and applied economics and wrote widely on topics such as growth, credit, and monetary affairs. Some of his books include Economics: An introductory study, Economic diagnosis and business forecasting with special reference to South Africa, and Structural changes and business cycles in South Africa (1806 – 1936). His article entitled Industrial and Commercial Share Price Indexing in South Africa was the first article to be published by the Bureau for Economic Research. This article is a prime example of Schumann’s efforts to address practical problems faced by economists and other financial market participants. Publications such as The World Depression, South Africa, and the Gold Standard contributed to his stature as policy advisor to the South African government12.
Schumann was actively involved in a number of non-academic institutions. He co-founded the Federal Group of Companies and the Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut which focused on the development of Afrikaners in trade and industry14. He served on various advisory boards of government in capacities such as chairman of the Commission of Financial Relations, member of the economic advisory board for the prime minister, and chairman of the Economic Union of South Africa. He was a regular speaker on economic affairs. At the end of his illustrious career, he served on the board of directors of ten companies15.
For his many contributions in economics, Schumann was awarded the first Havenga Prize for Economics in 1946 and the Frans du Toit Prize for Business Economics in 1963. He also received the degree Doctor honoris causa from Stellenbosch 肆客足球 in 1965 and the 肆客足球 of Cape Town in 196716. Schumann’s wife, Winifred, also received a Doctor honoris causa from Stellenbosch 肆客足球17. They were the first couple to have collectively achieved this honor. They were married for 52 years had four children18. After his retirement from the Department in 1960, Schumann remained actively involved in university management. He served as the Director of the Bureau for Economic Research and was chairman of the 肆客足球 Convocation from 1968 to 1977.
After the completion of the new Economic and Management Sciences building in 1977, it was named after Schumann19. Schuman took great pride in his students and sixteen grandchildren20. The photo below was taken at a gala function for third-year Business Economics students and their partners in 1939. Prof CGW Schumann is at the back third from the left. Next to him is Mr Willem Dempsey, a former ambassador to Belgium and mayor of Stellenbosch at the time21.
The photo below shows Schumann and his wife (right) with the Rector Prof Jannie de Villiers and his wife at the naming ceremony. The bronze bust of Schumann still graces the entrance of the building. The photo below was taken at a gala function for third-year Business Economics students and their partners in 1939. Prof CGW Schumann is at the back third from the left. Next to him is Mr Willem Dempsey, a former ambassador to Belgium and mayor of Stellenbosch at the time. Featured below is Schumann with two of his grandchildren, Leontine and Louise Rousseau, several years later. The first CGW Schumann medal for the best postgraduate student in the Faculty was awarded in 1986. This annual award is the highest student accolade in the Faculty and was won by, amongst others, the current chief operating officer of Stellenbosch 肆客足球, Prof Stan du Plessis22. Schumann believed in hard work, servitude, an entrepreneurial spirit, and good-tempered idealism. He was an avid tennis player, and in 1931 even became South Africa’s shotput champion. His tall, strong physique always stood out in a crowd23. A few days before he passed away in 1980, Schumann gifted the 肆客足球 with a R10 000 cheque. It was the largest contribution by an individual in the university’s history24.
1 Data supplied by Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Alumni and Development Office. March 2024.
2 No detailed graduation data available before 1960.
3 Breuer, R. n.d. CGW Schumann, http://www.stellenboschwriters.com/schumanncg.html
4 Matieland. Desember 1960. Jaargang 4, Nommer 3, p. 8.
5 Du Plessis, J.C. 1981. In Memoriam: Christian Gustav Waldemar Schumann. South African Journal of Economics, 49(2):116-120.
6 Grundlingh, A. 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球 100: 1918 – 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球. pp. 85 & 112.
7 Jaarboek Uniwersiteit van Stellenbosch 1924. 1924. p. 194.
8 Grundlingh, A. 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球 100: 1918 – 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球. pp. 85, 112 & 382.
9 Matieland. Desember 1960. Jaargang 4, Nommer 3, p. 8.
10 Matieland. Maart 1961. Jaargang 5, Nommer 1, p. 9.
11 Du Plessis, J.C. 1981. In Memoriam: Christian Gustav Waldemar Schumann. South African Journal of Economics, 49(2):116-120.
12 Matieland. 1976. Jaargang 3, p. 13.
13 Ibid.
14 Breuer, R. n.d. CGW Schumann, http://www.stellenboschwriters.com/schumanncg.html
15 Matieland. Desember 1960. Jaargang 4, Nommer 3, p. 8.
16 Ibid.
17 Matieland. 1984. Jaargang 1, p. 9.
18 Du Plessis, J.C. 1981. In Memoriam: Christian Gustav Waldemar Schumann. South African Journal of Economics, 49(2):116-120.
19 Matieland. Desember 1977. Jaargang 4, Nommer 3, pp. 46 & 47.
20 Ibid.
21 Matieland. 2000. p. 22.
22 Stanislaus Alexander du Plessis. n.d. https://www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/economy/Documents/StanDuPlessis_CV.pdf
23 Matieland. 1980. Jaargang 1, p. 17.
24 Ibid.
The number of students in the Department has grown from two in 1924 to 112 in 194025. During and after the difficult depression years, Prof Schumann played a leading role in stimulating and structuring economic thought and development, particularly among Afrikaners. He also felt strongly about creating an entrepreneurial spirit amongst students. Many students enrolled for an Education Diploma or Bed in Commerce.
25 Grundlingh, A. 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球 100: 1918 – 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球. p. 390.
Although the Department now serviced 415 students, it still only had two academic staff members26. At the end of the year, Prof Schuman retired after almost four decades at the helm of the Department and Faculty.
26 Grundlingh, A. 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球 100: 1918 – 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球. p. 390.
Dr Jan van der Meulen Dr Jan van der Meulen is appointed as chairperson of a rapidly growing Department. He wrote the doctoral examination in the Economic Sciences in 1951 at the Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). In 1950 he was employed by the Nederland-Noord-Europa Instituut, an organisation which was responsible for trade relations between the Netherlands and the Northern European countries. In the years thereafter, van der Meulen was employed at several Dutch companies including KLM.
Van der Meulen furthered his studies in Rotterdam and Cologne (Germany) before accepting a position as senior lecturer and head of the Department in 196127. He completed his DCom degree in 1963 under the supervision of Prof CGW Schumann and Prof JL Sadie, and was promoted to Professor of Business Economics in 196428. Van der Meulen played an important role in establishing the USB (now called the Stellenbosch Business School). He also served as the first director of the USB from 1964 to 197229.
In 1970 Van der Meulen accepted a position at the 肆客足球 of the Western Cape (UWC) where he was elected head of the Department of Business Management in 1977. In 1980 he was appointed as dean of UWC’s Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences30. He penned several publications in the field of business economics during his academic career.
27 Matieland. Maart 1961. Jaargang 5, Nommer 1, pp. 9 & 10.
28 Matieland. Augustus 1964. Jaargang 8, Nommer 2, p. 10.
29 Agenda. 2014. USB Publication. No.1, p.14.
30 Breuer, R. n.d. CGW Schumann, http://www.stellenboschwriters.com/schumanncg.html
Prof Arie Ewert Scheurkogel Prof Arie Ewert Scheurkogel is elected as chairperson31. He was born in 1923 in Lydenburg, Transvaal (Mpumalanga). After matriculating from Lydenburg High School, he enrolled for a BCom degree at Stellenbosch 肆客足球. Following his graduation in 1943, he started his career as a researcher at the newly established Bureau for Economic Research. During this time, he also completed his MCom degree at Stellenbosch 肆客足球.
He then proceeded to work for the Reserve Bank, the Cukkinan Refractories (a mine in Tanzania) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). He started his academic career at the 肆客足球 of the Orange Free State, becoming Professor and head of the Department of Business Economics32. He completed his DCom at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 in 1966. Scheurkogel was appointed as Professor of Business Economics in 197033.
Scheurkogel authored several academic publications which included the first fully-fledged business economics textbook. Outside the Department, he served in various commissions of inquiry, such as the one into export trade to South Africa in 1972, he was a member of the National Productivity Council, and for a long time he provided consultation services to companies in the private sector, notably those in the cement industry34. Scheurkogel retired in 1983.
During his tenure, the Department instituted a stock exchange game that was played by hundreds of Business Management students in the years that followed. In the early 1980s, students’ transactions were entered onto punchcards and analysed on the 肆客足球’s main frame computer. The life insurance company Sanlam sponsored prizes for the winners of this fictional investment game35. As technology developed, students were able to capture their transactions online.
31 Grundlingh, A. 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球 100: 1918 – 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球. p. 390.
32 Matieland. Maart 1989. p. 24.
33 Breuer, R. 2005. Stellenbosch Writers. Stellenbosch Writers Publishers, Stellenbosch. .
34 Matieland. Maart 1989. p. 24.
35 Bedryfsfokus. 2001. p. 30.
Prof Rias Johann van Wyk Prof Rias Johann van Wyk steered the Department whilst Prof Scheurkogel was on sabbatical. Van Wyk obtained a Master’s degree from the 肆客足球 of Pretoria (1962), followed by an MPA in Science, Technology and Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard 肆客足球 (1966). In 1970, he graduated with a DCom (Economics) degree from Stellenbosch 肆客足球. He served as the Head of the Department of Economics at the 肆客足球 of the Orange Free Strate from 1969 to 1972 before joining the Department in 1972. Van Wyk founded the Unit for the Study of Technological Innovation in 198336.
After leaving the Department three years later, Van Wyk was appointed Professor of Business Administration at the 肆客足球 of Cape Town Graduate School of Business. He joined the 肆客足球 of Minnesota in 2002 and received numerous honours and awards. These include a Fellowship issued by the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) in 2012, becoming the first President of the Management of Technology Accreditation Board in 2009, and being issued the Distinguished Achievement Award in Management of Technology by the International Association for Management of Technology in 2005. In 2010, the Rias van Wyk Foresight Award was instituted by the Technology Leadership Institute at the 肆客足球 of Minnesota in recognition of his contribution to the field37.
36 Matieland. 1989. p. 25.
37 Matieland. 1989. p. 25.
Prof Izak Jacobus Lambrechts Prof Izak Jacobus Lambrechts replaces Scheurkogel as chairperson38. Lambrechts joined the Department in 1969 following a career as investment researcher at Sanlam (1962-1965) and financial controller at the Stellenbosch Wine Trust (1965-1969). Upon completion of his MBA in 1970, he was promoted to senior lecturer the very next year. He attained the degree DCom (Business Economics) from Stellenbosch 肆客足球 in 1974 and was promoted to Professor a mere three years later39.
Lambrechts served as member of the Eskom Electricity Council from 1985 to 200240. In 1991 he presented the first course on determining electricity rates in the country. This popular course was attended by Eskom staff and employees of local authorities (mainly treasurers and electrical engineers), consulting engineers and university lecturers41. Lambrechts published several articles and edited a seminal book on financial management.
Under his leadership several new modules were introduced including distribution management, property investment and financing, futuristics, and production and operations management. The number of students graduating with a postgraduate qualification increased during his tenure42. After an academic career spanning more than three decades, Lambrechts retired in 200343.
38 Bedryfsfokus. 1999. p. 2.
39 Matieland. Augustus 1979. p. 22.
40 Conradie, S.R. & Messerschmidt, L.J.M. 2000. A Symphony of Power: The Eskom Story. Chris van Rensburg Publications: Johannesburg. p. 370.
41 Matieland. 1991. Jaargang 35, Nommer 1, p. 32.
42 Data supplied by Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Alumni and Development Office. March 2024.
43 Bedryfsfokus. 2004. p. 9
Prof Marius Leibold Prof Marius Leibold takes over the reins as Departmental chairperson44. He obtained the degrees BCom (1969), HonsBCom (1974), MCom (1976) and DCom (Business Economics) (1981) from Stellenbosch 肆客足球. He started his career as financial controller at W.R. Grace (Africa) (1970-1972) and Denel (1972-1974). He joined the Department in 1974 and was promoted to senior lecturer in 198045. From 1983 to 1984 he was an Associate Professor at the UWC where he also held the position of Director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business46.
Leibold returned to Stellenbosch 肆客足球 in 1984. In 1995, he was promoted to Professor of Strategic International Management. He also served as a member of the Institute for Applied Management Sciences (1984-1990), as Director of the Center for International Business (1995-1999), and as board member of the Bureau for Economic Research (2000-2006). Throughout his academic career he was invited as visiting Professor to universities in Europe and the United States include Harvard Business School. Leibold retired in 2006 after a very productive academic career of 32 years47.
44 Marius Leibold: Curriculum Vitae. 2015. https://cv.mariusleibold.com/
45 Bedryfsfokus. 2004. p. 7.
46 1979 Junie Senaat p. 408.
47 Bedryfsfokus. 2006. p.4.
Prof Izak Lambrechts is re-appointed as chairperson48.
48 Bedryfsfokus. 1999. p. 2.
Prof Marius Leibold is re-elected as chairperson49.
49 Marius Leibold: Curriculum Vitae. 2015. https://cv.mariusleibold.com/
Prof Pieter George (PG) du Plessis Prof Pieter George (PG) du Plessis steps into the top decision-making position in the Department. He was born in 1947 in Nylstroom (now Modimolle in Limpopo). During his student years at the 肆客足球 of Pretoria, where he obtained a BCom (Accounting) degree, he played rugby for Northern Transvaal. In 1972 he ran onto the field at Ellis Park as lock for the Springbok rugby team against England. He then moved to the Cape, and from 1973 to 1978 was a member of the Western Province rugby team.
Du Plessis joined the Department in 1975 and obtained his doctorate in Business Economics two years later under the supervision of Prof Scheurkogel. He was later promoted to Professor and served as the President of the South African Institute for Management Scientists (SAIMS) for two terms50. In 1997 he was appointed as Chief Director: Student Affairs at Stellenbosch 肆客足球51. In 2003, he entered the private sector as founder and co-owner of the International Academy for Leadership through Adventure.
50 Matieland. 1995. p. 26.
51 Bedryfsfokus. 2001. p. 4
In line with international developments, the Department changed its name from Business Economics to Business Management52.
52 Grundlingh, A. 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球 100: 1918 – 2018. Stellenbosch 肆客足球. p. 390.
Prof Frederick Jacobus (Erik) Mostert Prof Frederick Jacobus (Erik) Mostert assumes the role of chairperson53. Mostert matriculated from Robertson High school and obtained the degrees BCom (1972), HonsBCom (1974), MCom (1976) and DCom (Business Economics) (1983) at Stellenbosch 肆客足球. He joined the Department in 197454 and was promoted to senior lecturer in 198055.
In 1989 he is promoted to Professor in the newly established Chair in Short-term Insurance, a position made possible through a donation from Santam, a leading short-term insurer in the country. For many years Santam presented the best performing undergraduate short-term insurance student with a cash prize. This module covered topics related to, amongst others, fire and property insurance, marine insurance, aviation insurance, personal accident insurance, interruption insurance, and reinsurance.
During his career, Mostert not only lectured short-term insurance, but also published several research articles in this specialist subject area. He retired in 2016 after 42 years of uninterrupted service to the 肆客足球 and Department.
53 Bedryfsfokus. 1999. p. 2.
54 Bedryfsfokus. 2004. p. 7.
55 1979 Junie Senaat p. 408
Prof Marius Leibold is re-appointed as chairperson of the Departement which now has approximately 2 400 intramural and 200 extracurricular students. This large group of students is serviced by 15 academics and six administrative staff.
The Department is 75 years old and reaffirms its mission, namely Academic excellence with practical servitude for the creation of entrepreneurs and business leaders, and the elaboration of a productive community to the benefit of all South Africans in the new millennium. This mission is in step with Prof Schumann’s philosophy of developing entrepreneurs rather than employees. Several social impact initiatives hence see the light. Prof Erik Mostert once again leads the Department56.
56 Bedryfsfokus. 2000. p. 2.
Prof Johann Urbanus (Johann) de Villiers Prof Johann Urbanus (Johann) de Villiers is appointed as chairperson57. De Villiers attained the degrees BEng (Chemical Engineering) (1976) andMBA (1980) from Stellenbosch 肆客足球 and worked at, amongst others, the Industrial Development Corporation and Financial Services Board (not the Financial Sector Conduct Authority). He completed his PhD at the 肆客足球 of the Witwatersrand before accepting a position in the Department in 1997. In 2000, de Villiers received the Rector’s Award for Research Excellence.
De Villiers played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Investment Management focal area in the Department. It became the fourth focal area alongside Financial Management, Marketing Management and Strategic Management (now called Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management). Modules presented in the Investment Management focal area prepare graduates for employment in the investment industry and covers the majority of the internationally recognised Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) qualification’s Level 1 curriculum. The Level 2 and 3 curricula are included in the BComHons (Business Management: Financial Analysis) degree. Stellenbosch 肆客足球 is part of the CFA Institute 肆客足球 Affiliation Program and incorporates the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge within the program.
After serving two terms as dean of the Faculty (2004 - 2013), de Villiers successfully completed the full-time postgraduate diploma in Sustainable Development presented by the 肆客足球’s Sustainability Institute58. He returns to the Department in 2015 and remained a committed lecturer and postgraduate supervisor until his retirement in 202259.
57 Bedryfsfokus. 2000. p. 2.
58 Johann de Villiers Profile. n.d. https://www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/economy/Documents/business-management/resumes/eng/CV-Johann_de_Villiers-ENG.pdf?download=1
59 Bedryfsfokus. 2004. p. 4.
Prof Izak Lambrechts serves as chairperson before retiring at the end of the year60.
60 Bedryfsfokus. 2003. p. 2.
Prof Nicolaas Stephanus (Nic) Terblanche Prof Nicolaas Stephanus (Nic) Terblanche takes over the reins of the Department61. He obtained the degrees BEkon (Business Economics) (1975), M (Town and Regional Planning) (1978), and DPhil (Town and Regional Planning) (1989) at Stellenbosch 肆客足球62. He joins the Department in 1990 and ascends to the rank of Professor in Marketing Management within a few years. Terblanche is an exceptional researcher who published numerous articles during (and even after) his academic career. He is the first South African researcher to publish an article in the Harvard Business Review.
In 2007 he was awarded the Rector’s Award for Research Excellence for the second time in his career. In the same year, he received a B2 rating from the National Research Foundation (NRF) in recognition of the quality and impact of his research. In 2008, the prestigious lifelong honorary membership award of the South African Institute for Management Scientists (SAIMS) was bestowed on Terblanche61 followed by yet another Rector’s Award for Research Excellence in 2010. Terblanche drove the implementation of two news postgraduate diplomas in the Department, one in Marketing and one in Financial Planning. Both diplomas have received international acclaim in the years since. After a 26-year association with the Department, he retires at the end of 2016.
61 Bedryfsfokus. 2004. p. 2.
62 Bedryfsfokus. 2004 p. 7.
63 Matieland. 2008. p. 2.
Prof Hendrik Christoffel (Christo) Boshoff Prof Hendrik Christoffel (Christo) Boshoff is appointed as chairperson64. He studied at the 肆客足球 of Port Elizabeth (now Nelson Mandela 肆客足球) before embarking on a teaching career in the same town. He started his academic career in 1985 at the Port Elizabeth campus of Vista 肆客足球. Boshoff completed his PhD at the 肆客足球 of Pretoria within 18 months. He moves to Otago 肆客足球 (New Zealand) for a few years before returning to South Africa. Boshoff joins the Department in 2006.
He has written several textbooks on marketing and services marketing and has done pioneering neurophysiological research with an emphasis on Marketing. He was the editor of Management Dynamics for almost 20 years. Boshoff received a B3 rating from the National Research Foundation (NRF) three times in a row as well as three Rector’s Awards for Research Excellence. In 2017 he was also awarded the prestigious Chancellor’s Award for his significant contribution as researcher65.
64 Bedryfsfokus. 2010. p. 8.
65 Personal communication with Boshoff. September 2023.
Prof Laetitia van Dyk Prof Laetitia van Dyk was the first woman to take charge of the Department since its establishment. Prior to assuming this position, she was chairperson of the Centre for Leadership Studies at the Stellenbosch Business School, the Institute of Bankers in South Africa, and the Bankmed Board of Trustees. She previously served as Human Resources director: UK Banking at Barclays PLC in London, and before that was group executive director of the Absa Group. Van Dyk served as a member of several corporate boards including KWV. She was also elected as chairperson of the Absa Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees (KKNK) board in 201166. She is highly regarded as an expert in the field of sustainable leadership and the promotion of women in leadership.
66 Laetitia van Dyk to chair Absa KKNK. 2011. Media Update, 19 May, https://www.mediaupdate.co.za/media/37257/laetitia-van-dyk-to-chair-absa-kknk
Prof Christo Boshoff is re-appointed as chairperson. He served the Department in this capacity until his retirement at the end of 2023.
Prof Gert Human Prof Gert Human is elected as the 13th chairperson of the Department. He obtained his PhD from UCT/Manchester Business School. His research interests focus on strategy in complex business-to-business networks and strategic transformations. His work appears in leading international and local journals. Human serves on multiple editorial boards and is an active member of the Strategic Management Society, the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group, and the South African Institute of Management Sciences (SAIMS).
Twenty-seven full-time academics and five administrative staff ensure the smooth running of the Department which now has more than 8 000 registered students. In step with the Faculty’s mission, colleagues strive to develop ethical, engaged, and innovative graduates who are devoted to responsible economic and societal progress. They are furthermore committed to excellence, inclusivity, engaged learning, impactful research, and meaningful partnerships.
As in the previous 10 decades, lecturers are passionate about generating new knowledge about business management and sharing this knowledge with their students and the wider community. Curricula are regularly updated to account for rapid changes in the macro environment.