
FAQs: Master’s and PhD

  1. Question:: Where can I get more information on the Master’s (MCom) and PhD programmes of the Department of Business Management?

    Answer: Consult the general brochure of the Department of Business Management, and the short brochure of the particular degree in which you are interested. Or call the postgraduate coordinator, Annali Maass, on 021 808 3415, or send email to apaint@sun.ac.za.

  2. Question:: What is required for admission/registration?

    • An honours degree in Business Management awarded by a university
    • A 65% pass mark
    • Evidence that you attended and passed a Research Methodology course
    • Suitable academic qualifications in the chosen area of specialisation (e.g. Marketing or Investment Management or Financial Management)
    • A viable topic for your dissertation/thesis

    For a PhD application the minimum requirements to be considered for acceptance are:

    • A full-thesis Master’s degree in Business Management awarded by a university
    • Evidence that you attended and passed a Research Methodology course
    • Suitable academic qualifications in the chosen area of specialisation (e.g. Marketing or Investment Management or Financial Management)
    • A viable topic for your dissertation/thesis
  3. ?Question:: What is the closing date for applications?

    Answer: The closing date for all applications (both MCom and PhD) is 31 October. No late applications will be considered.

  4. Question:: Do I have to attend lectures?

    Answer: The Department of Business Management only offers research-based Master’s and PhD degrees. This means you do not have to attend lectures or do credit-bearing course work.

  5. Question:: How long does it take to complete a Master’s or a PhD degree?

    Answer: The actual duration depends entirely on your own effort and commitment. On average, it takes about three years to complete a Master’s degree if you study part-time. To complete a PhD degree part-time will take about five to six years. Full-time students usually complete their studies in shorter time periods.

    The Registrar, Stellenbosch 肆客足球
    Private Bag X1, MATIELAND 7602

    The 肆客足球’s Yearbook with general information (Part 1) and full particulars of the programmes referred to in the above brochure (Part 10) may also be obtained here.