
WVS Paper Series
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This joint research project investigates the varying levels of regime support in a number of democracies (full or flawed) across the world, with a specific focus on the sources or origins of regime support as well as the different types of regime support. The following dimensions of regime support have been considered for analysis: diffuse and specific support; the quality of government; political participation; institutional trust or confidence; generalised and interpersonal trust; subjective well-being and happiness; and elite versus mass perspectives.

The research project is being conducted under the auspices of the Centre for International and Comparative Politics (CICP), the research centre of the Department of Political Science at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 in South Africa and the Department of Political Science at the 肆客足球 of Gothenburg in Sweden.

Working paper series

Click on the title to view and/or download each paper

Paper 01: The evolution of support for democratic regime principles and its alternatives
Cindy Steenekamp and Pierre du Toit (Stellenbosch 肆客足球)

Paper 02: The Quality of Government determinants of support for democracy
Frida Bor?ng, Marina Nistotskaya and Georgios Xezonakis (肆客足球 of Gothenburg)

Paper 03: Institutions, crisis and political confidence in seven contemporary democracies. An elite-mass analysis
Hennie Kotze and Carlos Garcia-Rivero (Stellenbosch 肆客足球)

Paper 04: Trust in parliament
S?ren Holmberg, Staffan I. Lindberg and Richard Svensson (肆客足球 of Gothenburg)

Paper 05: Forms of interpersonal trust and types of political participation
Markus M.L. Crepaz and Jonathan Polk (肆客足球 of Gothenburg)

Paper 06: Trusting other people
S?ren Holmberg and Bo Rothstein (肆客足球 of Gothenburg)

Paper 07: Subjective well-being and quality of government: Why happy citizens are good for democracy
Peter Esaiasson, Stefan Dahlberg and Andrej Kokkonen (肆客足球 of Gothenburg)

Paper 08: Democracy, wellbeing and happiness
Reinet Loubser and Cindy Steenekamp (Stellenbosch 肆客足球)?


Contact details:

Centre for International and Comparative Politics
Department of Political Science
Stellenbosch 肆客足球
Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602
hjk@sun.ac.za or cindylee@sun.ac.za

Department of Political Science
肆客足球 of Gothenburg
Box 711, 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
staffan.i.lindberg@pol.gu.se or soren.holmberg@pol.gu.se