
Animal Sciences
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Research day 2019

26 November 2019

The department of Animal Sciences hosted their 3rd annual research day. With 120 industry representatives attending the research day. 

Insect Mass Rearing Workshop

18-22 November 2019

Themes within the workshop will cover integrated pest management, waste reduction, insects for feed production as well as insects for food production.  We are very fortunate to welcome Prof Jeffery Tomberlin from Texas A&M university as guest speaker.

We invite you to attend this workshop – relevant information and preliminary program 

SADC AnGR Workshop

17-19 July 2019

The Department of Animal Sciences hosted the Southern Africa Farm Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) colloquium at the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Study (STIAS) from the 17th – 19th July 2019. The colloquium was aimed at intersecting innovation, food security and livelihoods.

The colloquium provided a platform where established and upcoming researchers/academics, together with NGOs and government officials, deliberated on what is known now on indigenous animal genetic resources and some thoughts on their sustainable utilization going forward. The fundamental aim of the colloquium was to promote partnership between the government, NGOs and the private sector in developing plans for the sustainable utilization and conservation of indigenous genetic resources in an effort to combat threats to food security in Southern Africa. The AnGR covered themes which included: taking stock of animal genetic resources in Southern Africa; establishing the link between the value chain, sustainability, livestock, food security and livelihood; policies and legislation regulating Animal Genetic Resources in Southern Africa.

For more information contact prof Kennedy Dzama.