Access to Information for Research
Institutional permission (sometimes referred to as gatekeeper permission) serves as a key control to ensure that Stellenbosch 肆客足球, and its researchers, comply with and give effect to South African privacy-related legislation. To help meet these goals, the 肆客足球 requires that any individual must first obtain institutional permission from the Division for Information Governance before:
conducting research on 肆客足球-held personal information and/or institutional information; and
recruiting 肆客足球 students, staff, alumni, partners, and other stakeholders (based on their affiliation with the ?肆客足球) as research participants.
To apply for institutional permission visit www.sun.ac.za/permission.
If you have any queries or need any assistance with submitting a request for institutional permission, contact permission@sun.ac.za.
For more information you may read the Regulations for recruiting Stellenbosch 肆客足球? persons as research participants and for conducting research on Stellenbosch 肆客足球-held personal and institutional information.??
1. Why must I apply for institutional permission?
The ethical norms and standards followed at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 dictate that, when looking to conduct research with or on an institution's people or data, the researcher must first obtain institutional permission before commencing with the data collection. By law, Stellenbosch 肆客足球 must protect any personal information it collects, stores, or uses. The institutional permission process is one means through which we meet our privacy and information sharing goals; it helps ensure that any research conducted on 肆客足球-held personal information happens within the bounds of applicable legislation.
2. How does institutional permission differ from ethical clearance?
There is naturally some overlap between institutional permission and ethical clearance procedures as both promote the respect and protection of the rights and well-being of human research subjects. Yet the focus of each procedure differs, with institutional permission focusing on Stellenbosch 肆客足球's responsibilities in addition to the technical execution of the research, such as access rights to our data, data extraction, and information- and cybersecurity procedures. Ethical clearance is a prerequisite for institutional permission, for when taken together, both procedures collectively ensure that researchers have considered all of the potential impacts that their research may have on its human subjects.
Promotion of A??ccess to Information Act (PAIA)
Stellenbosch 肆客足球 is committed to promoting transparency, accountability, and effective governance. As part of our efforts to give effect to the right of access to information, we have published our PAIA manual in:
Eng?l?ish ?
isiXhosa ??
Our manual details how to submit a request for information under PAIA.
The forms for doing so are available for download below or at the website of the Information Regulator (click to access)?
Form 2: Request for Access to Record
Form 3: Outcome of Request and of Fees Payable
??If you have any enquiries or need assistance with submitting an application in terms of the Act, contact paia@sun.ac.za. ??