
Student Affairs
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Opportunities for Students

?For more information about co-curricular funding, please visit the page of our Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Co-curriculum Support Fund (SUCSF / USKOF), by clicking here.
For more information about international opportunities for SU students, visit the website of Stellenbosch 肆客足球 International, by clicking here.

  • International Youth Leadership Conference

    IYLC Dubai
    Dubai, UAE
    17-22 November 2018
    Click here for more information.

    IYLC Malaysia
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    17-22 March 2019
    Click here for more information.

  • WFUNA International Model United Nations

    WIMUN Brazil
    Campinas, Brazil
    2-6 September 2018
    Click here for more information.

    WIMUN Flagship
    New York, USA
    30 January - 2 February 2019
    Click here for more information.

  • African Youth Leadership Summit

    AYLS Morocco
    Marrakech, Morocco
    18-25 September 2018
    Click here for more information.

  • Michigan State 肆客足球 Youth Empowerment Program: Second Annual Essay Contest

    Deadline: 30 July 2018
    Click here for more information.