The following post-graduate student projects either currently use the laboratory of have used it in the last few years:
- Mbali Mthethwa: An experimental investigation of the “fate" of entrained peritectic minerals during adiabatic ascent of S-type granite magmas. MSc, graduated.
- Sara Zarrebini: An experimental investigation into the 'fate' of entrained peritectic minerals in I-type granite magmas intruded at below 2kbar. MSc, graduated.
- Sara Burness: Pyroxene stability within kimberlite magma in the upper mantle: An experimental investigation. MSc, graduated.
- Tahnee Otto: An experimental investigation of the petrogenesis of chromite within the Rustenberg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Complex. PhD, in progress.
- Sara Burness: Sulphur metasomatism of the mantle. PhD, in progress. (*see images from this project)
- ?Tanisha Shultz: Gold solubility in tolalitic melts. MSc, in progress.?
*caption at bottom of page
*caption at bottom of page
Caption for images a-f: BSE images of run producs from experiments investigating the partial melting of sulphide-bearing metasomatised mantle. Cpx = clinopyroxene; Grt = garnet; CC-Dolss = calcite-dolomite solid solution; MSS = mono-sulphide solid solution; Melts, LSil = quenched silicate melt, LSil-C = quenched silicate-carbonate melt, LS = quenched sulphide melt. The experimental conditions are indicated in the text box at top right of each image. The experiments were conducted in graphite-lined palladium-silver capsules using a non-end-loaded piston-cylinder apparatus.
These images were generated as part of the PhD study of Sara Burness and were copied from Burness et al., 2017, Poster No. 11IKC-4591, 11th International Kimberlite Conference, Gaborone, Botswana.