
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Faculty of Education

Community Interaction??

What is Community Interaction?

Community Interaction as a core function of the 肆客足球 exists to nurture and manage partnerships with communities; facilitate cooperation between the 肆客足球 and communities and provide the means whereby both parties can actively discover knowledge, teach and learn from each other.?????



Beyond Educ??ation

(Inspiring Hope)

This program was implemented for the first time in 2020 as part of the Portfolio Social Impact. The program creates opportunities for students in the Faculty of Education to get involved in community work. Students must complete a certain number of hours to obtain a certificate for community services. The community service varies from visiting children's homes, hospitals and animal shelters to having sandwich and stationary drives and even environmental projects.

'Toebroodjie Dag' is always a winner and it is great and fun way for our students, staff and community members to get involved. For this initiative, we collect sandwich spreads and host a sandwich day on the lawn in front of the Education Faculty; anybody can help make the sandwiches which are then donated to children/community members in need. We are proud to have our bread donated by Blue Ribbon.

The following targets were reached per year:

  • 2019 (1000)
  • 2020 (did not have the project due to Covid)
  • 2021 (1740)
  • 2022 (2000)

The sandwiches are distributed to the Stellenbosch community which includes schools, homeless people, and the night shelter.

The main purpose of this project is for students to take ACTION and restore HOPE by being agents of social change in our local communities. Adding positive values to Stellenbosch 肆客足球, but most importantly it's a way in which future educators can make a mark in this world by helping someone in need. ?