
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球


Urban Modelling and Metabolism Assessment? (uMAMA), a Research Group within the Stellenbosch Centre for Complex Systems in Transitions (CST) is created to engage with scholars, city decision-makers, urban residents, industry and urban planning and design professionals to enhance the research focus on urban metabolism in African cities.

Visit www.umama-africa.com for latest projects and updates

uMAMA Africa’s Main Focus Areas

African Cities in Transition

Energy Transitions in Urban Environments

Resource implications of urban growth and Development in African Contexts

Green Economy in Urban Areas

uMAMA utilises the following approaches

Development of databases to support urban African research (open data)

Assessment of resource flows (urban metabolism methodology development and data analysis)

Inter-city scale analysis of resource flows (comparative analysis)

Modeling system scenarios and behaviors (system dynamics modeling, agent based modeling)

Visualisation of resource flows (policy tools)

??Story telling (accessible research)??


