
Industrial Psycholohy
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?Departmental Bursary

The department offers a bursary ?for Master's Degree Students based on historical academic performances. Please forward  completed  departmental bursary form to Ms C Cillie as indicated on the form .


Carl Hermann Papendieck

This bursary is not open for applications currently.

The Carl Hermann Papendieck bursary are available for Master's Degree Students.

Students interested in applying for the Carl Hermann Papendieck scholarship should draft a letter of motivation (accompanied by supporting documentation), addressed to the head of the Department of Industrial psychology, Prof Crystal Hoole?) 

The letter should include:

  • Brief personal background
  • Academic history
  • Career and/or academic aspirations
  • Financial position
  • Motivation for applying

The letter of motivation as well as supporting documentation should be emailed to Mrs CM Cillie (cmcillie@sun.ac.za).

Applications will be assessed on the extent which they align with the intended purpose and spirit of the Carl Hermann Papendieck scholarship.

 For more information please read the Carl Hermann Papendieck Bursary document.


General Bursaries and Loans

For further information on bursaries and loans available in various fields at SU click here







