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?Welcome to the Department of Horticultural Science
"?Horticulturalists provide food to feed the world, beautify our neighbourhoods, decorate our gardens and give ambience and well being by combining the energy of the sun with soil, seeds, water, and ingenuity." - Harvesting the Sun (2012, ISHS).
What we do at the Department
The Department of Horticulture is involved in the training of horticulturists who have the expertise to get involved in all aspects of the fruit (apples, pears, stone fruit such as plums and peaches, citrus, as well as olives, pomegranates, figs, nuts and berries) and cut flower industries.
We train horticulturist of high standing that are sought after by industry because of their in-depth knowledge of all production aspects, as well as physiological processes involved in the production of fruit ad cut flowers. Moreover, our students become equipped with the ability to conduct cutting edge research and successfully implement technological innovation.
What you will experience as a horticulture student
During your studies you will be exposed to all aspects of the industry from production to the supermarket shelf in Europe, the USA an Far- and Middle East. You will also learn how climate affects fruit and cut flower production – the ability to adapt to changing climate conditions is ever more important. You will not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also get to manage your own orchard, go on excursions to commercial farms, pack stores and processing plants amongst others, while exporters offer lectures on the consultation industry, farming challenges and the establishing of a new industry.
Career opportunities
As a horticulturist you can be employed as a consultant, entrepreneur, greenhouse manager, technical manager, production manager, packing store manager, exporter of fruit and cut flowers, quality controller, agro-chemical horticulturist, fresh-cut line manager, logistical product manager, agricultural economic advisor, academic/lecturer, extension officer, technician or researcher. At the completion of your studies you will be a professional held in high esteem by industry, to such an extent that you employability can almost be assured both locally and globally in jobs that are financially very competitive.