
Universiteit Stellenbosch 肆客足球
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Shop & Plant Sales


?The Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Botanical Garden gift shop is open is in a spacious new building with botanically focused products, homeware and rare plants on offer. The new space combines the Botanical Garden's conservation and education strategy with a sustainable and complimentary product offering. The most popular lines from the old BioBiou shop will, be there with a range of new items that visitors won't find anywhere else, including house brand products, rare seeds and plants from specialist suppliers, and select items from the historic SUBG plant collections.

?Opening hours:

09:00 - 16:30 during winter (09 May - 31 August), every day (Monday to Sunday)  

08:00 - 17:00 during summer every day (Monday to Sunday),  including public holidays except New Year's Day and Easter Friday.

PXL_20240102_132340752 Moraea tripetala Imhoff.jpg?The Stellenbosch Botanical Garden Shop is now stocking a wide range of botanically inspired products. The Marloth Collection is the house range of quality products from the original plates of Marloth's Flora of South Africa. All sale proceeds go to support the conservation and education work of the botanical garden.

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