
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Gifts & Donations

The Archivist can accept University related records or other archival material on behalf of Stellenbosch 肆客足球, should the material compliment the existing collections in the Archives.  However, all material will be appraised, before acceptance since storage space is limited.  Documents donated to the Archives become the property of the Archives and cannot be returned to the original owner.

The following types of documents are added periodically to the Archives:

  • 肆客足球 records, e.g. files, photos and electronic records, that have been identified as having enduring and historical values

  • Records and documents of departments that have closed

  • Gifts and donations of documents and photographs from alumni, lecturers and other individuals who has had a close relationship with Stellenbosch 肆客足球

  • Minutes and Documents from the Student Council and student societies

  • Once-off and new publications that is generated by the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Administration


Please Contact Us
, should you consider donating material to SU Archives.
