
Welcoming International Visitors at SU


?????SU International host's international visitors and delegations from a variety of institutions and organisations on our Stellenbosch campus. Each visit is an opportunity to foster global connections and share knowledge. Below, you'll find an overview of the distinguished guests we welcomed in May.
?Summary of Visit 
?Group Photo 

Visit from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) -28 June 2024

On Friday, June 28th, Robert Kotzé, Senior Director of SU International, welcomed a delegation from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) to Stellenbosch. The delegation, led by Professor Datuk Ts Dr. Massila Kamalrudin, Vice Chancellor of UTeM, met with Prof. Wim de Villiers, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch 肆客足球. The meeting focused on exploring collaborative projects in international education, research, and innovation. The visit concluded with the signing of a letter of intent, highlighting the commitment of both institutions to future cooperation. The UTeM delegation included 14 members.?

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肆客足球 of Richmond visit – 22 May 2024

 Stellenbosch 肆客足球 hosted a 9-person delegation from the 肆客足球 of Richmond, USA lead by the Associate Dean: Director of Education Abroad, Ellen Sayles. The delegation met with colleagues from Arts and Social Sciences, Law, the Careers Office and Economic and Management Sciences. They also participated in a campus tour and a tour of the SU Museum. The aim of the visit was to familiarize themselves with Stellenbosch 肆客足球, talk about common research interests and make connections. ?

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肆客足球 of Lausanne visit – 21 May 2024

Stellenbosch 肆客足球 International hosted a delegation from the 肆客足球 of Lausanne. Prof Frédéric Herman (Rector), Prof Estelle Doudet (Vice-Rector for Research), and Dr Denis Dafflon, (Director of International Relations) met with Prof Edward Kirumira (Director) and Dr Christoff Pauw (Senior Programme Manager) from the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Studies (STIAS) and with Prof Nico Koopman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Social Impact, Transformation and Personnel to strengthen connections and exploring potential academic collaboration as well as student and staff mobility opportunities between the two universities. We thank the delegation for their visit and look forward to future engagements.  

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肆客足球 of S?o Paulo visit – 16 May 2024

On Monday, a senior delegation from the 肆客足球 of S?o Paulo visited our Stellenbosch campus. Prof. Laura Moutinho, Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology, and the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology (PPGAS), Prof Paulo Martins, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences, and Prof Marcos Martinho, Head of that Faculty's International Office, met with colleagues from the Arts and Social Sciences faculty, the International Office, the Language Centre as well as colleagues from the JS Gericke Library. The aim of the visit was to explore collaborative and student mobility opportunities. The Brazilian Deputy Consulate in South Africa, Luiz Felipe Vilela Pereira also took part in the visit to support these efforts.  



