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 Meeting Programme

13 – 15 October 2021

Wednesday, 13 October 2021??????????
?10:00 –17:00
?Study Abroad Option Ses??sions with SU students
?15:30 –17:30?
?International Town & Gown Network Meeting

?Thursday, 14 Oc??tober 2021?
?10:00 –13:00
?Study Abroad O?ption Sessions with SU students
?Some familiar sites!

Virtual campus walkabout with Robert Kotze, Senior Director: SU International
?Official Opening and Welcome

Welcome word from Prof Wim de Villiers, Rector & Vice-Chancellor

Highlights of Internalisation at SU by Prof Hester Klopper, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Strategy, Global and Corporate Affairs
?15:00 –15:45
??Establishing a School during Covid - an augmented collaborative space

Prof Kanshukan Rajaratnam, Director: School for Data Science and Computational Thinking
The School for Data Science and Computational Thinking was launched in 2019 with the first director joining the School in 2020. The School has lived most of its life under lockdown. In this talk, we showcase the activities of the School under the new normal, where we have built augmented collaborative spaces within the university, as well as with external partners.?
?15:45 –16:00 
?16:00 – 17:30
?Partnership policies and frameworks

Facilitated by Alecia Erasmus, Senior Programme Manager: Partnerships
This session aims to be an interactive presentation to introduce partners to SU’s partnership framework, but also to explore the ways in which different institutions are approaching elements like strategic partnerships and aligning internationalization strategies with overarching institutional and national strategies.
?18:00 – 19:00
?Bobotie Master Class

We will cook this South African classic together!

????Friday, 15 October 2021?
??09:00 – 12:30

?Study Abroad Option Sessions with SU students
?Introduction of AUDA-NEPAD Centre of Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation
facilitated by Dr Nico Elema, Manager: Centre for Collaboration in Africa

The AUDA-NEPAD Centre of Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) (referred to as the AUDA-NEPAD CoE-STI) is one of the five Centres of Excellence established by the African-Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) across the African Continent. It is established in South Africa, in cooperation with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Stellenbosch 肆客足球 (SU) as the first, of several, participants to cooperate with the Centre.

?Tygerberg Campus: Home of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences – a virtual visit to the campus
?15:15 –15:30
?Coffee/Tea in break away rooms
?15:30 – 16:00
?Teaching and Learning during COVID-19 – a SU Overview Prof Deresh Ramjugernath, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Learning and Teaching
?16:00 – 17:30
?Going beyond firefighting: Consolidating gains of Globally Networked Learning
Facilitated by Sarah van der Westhuizen, Manager: Global Education Centre

In her newsletter, The Educationalist, Alexandra Mihai, asks the important question of what should Centres for Teaching and Learning focus on next and ask “…how we can build on what they achieved and turn it into sustainable educational development practice.” Although we are situated within the fields of global learning and international education – we should ask ourselves the same question and reflect on what we can do to consolidate the gains we made in terms of Globally Networked Learning during the 肆客足球 pandemic.

18:00 - 19:00 Virtual wine tasting with Beyers Truter, Pinotage? King and owner of Beyerskloof Wine Label and Estate??

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  ?Contact Person

  • Lidia.jpg
  • Lidia Du Plessis
  • lidia@sun.ac.za
  • +27 21 808 2607?