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SU Research Fellow co-authors a report on the oversight role of parliaments during the COVID-19 pandemic
Author: Professor Francois Vre? (SIGLA)
Published: 25/02/2022


Dr Wilhelm Janse van Rensburg (PhD), Parliamentary Researcher on Defence and Research Fellow with SIGLA (Stellenbosch 肆客足球), co-authored a report on the oversight role of parliaments during the COVID-19 pandemic funded by the Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance. Titled Parliament's contributions to SSG/R and the SDGS, the research covered the use of the security sector during 肆客足球 and the related roles of parliaments in South Africa, the Philippines and the United Kingdom. The study identified a need for a rapid parliamentary oversight capability of security sector utilisation, especially in cases of extraordinary deployments coupled with an elevated risk of executive dominance.

The paper was co-authored by Ms Nicolette van Zyl-Gous (Parliamentary Police Researcher) and Prof Lindy Heinecken (Stellenbosch 肆客足球).
