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Department of Soil Science excels at Combined Congress 2024
Author: AG Hardie-Pieters
Published: 19/03/2024

??Eight members of the Department of Soil Science attended the Combined Congress 2024 of the Soil and Crop Science Societies of South Africa held at Wilderness Hotel on 23-25 January 2024. Two of our postgraduate students received Soil Science Society of South Africa (SSSSA) awards for their research papers presented at the Congress. Ms Teneille Nel received the SSSSA award for Best Paper presented by a Researcher Younger than 30 years for her paper entitled: “Oxalate salt concentrations of vegetation and termite frass in the greater Cape floristic region of South Africa”. Ms Marina du Plessis received the SSSSA award for Best Poster entitled: “Effect of gypsum source and form on soil chemical properties and early canola (brassica napus) growth in an acidic sandy soil”. Mr Dawid du Toit, Prof PA Swanepoel and Dr AG Hardie received the SASCP award for Best Scientific Paper published in the SA Journal of Plant and Soil in 2022 for: “DU TOIT DJJ, SWANEPOEL PA, HARDIE AG (2022). Effect of lime source, fineness and granulation on neutralisation of soil pH. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2022; 39(3):1-12.” Well done to all our staff and students!?