
Stellenbosch 肆客足球
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Competency Design and Assessment Workshop Series


Begin With the End in Mind

 The Competency Design and Assessment Workshop Series presents a unique opportunity to gain crucial capabilities to design, develop and assess the competencies to address the critical issues of our time.

Aligning competencies to learning outcomes and activities together with knowledge skills and, capabilities fosters behaviors that include caring for the environment, creating social harmony, flexible attitudes, and developing a deep appreciation for our shared humanity.

The Competency Design and Assessment workshop series will benefit experiential educators, and academics involved in or considering developing a structured approach to experiential learning and competency formation. This training opportunity focuses on competency frameworks; assessments; competency acquisition together with designing levels of skills and progression.

WORKSHOP 1: Designing Competency Models

DATE: 28 OCT 2021 : 09h00 – 13h00 (SAST)

WORKSHOP 2: Assessment Tools – Design & Usage

DATE: 18 November 2021 : 09h00 – 13h00 (SAST)

WORKSHOP 3: Assessor Knowledge and Skills

DATE: 27 January 2022 : 09h00 – 13h00 (SAST)

WORKSHOP 4: Competency Implementation Road Map

DATE: 24 February 2022 : 09h00 – 13h00 (SAST)


For more information

Please click HERE for more information


To register:

Please register using this weblink



experientiallearning@sun.ac.za | Ruth Andrews rutha@sun.ac.za | Ramone Comalie ramone@sun.ac.za