Just Conversations: Academic Xenophobia
Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Museum invites you to the launch of a new publication by Dr Precious Simba, Professor Jonathan Jansen, and the late Dr Cyrill Walters, entitled Academic Xenophobia: African Scholars in South African Universities.
Date: Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Time: 17:00 – 18:30
Place: Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Museum, 52 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
This book explores the layered experiences of Black African faculty members at the 26 public universities in South Africa. The authors examine how xenophobia manifests in the academic context, and its impact on individuals, institutions, and policies. By interrogating both institutional responses and the resilience of African academics, this work contributes to critical debates on inclusion, equity, and the decolonisation of higher education.
肆客足球 the authors
- Dr Precious Simba is an ubuntu scholar, teacher and researcher in the Faculty of Education at Stellenbosch 肆客足球.
- Professor Jonathan Jansen is a Distinguished Professor of Education at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 and past president of the Academy of Science of South Africa.
- The late Dr Cyrill Walters was a senior lecturer at the Stellenbosch Business School and a Research Fellow in Higher Education at Stellenbosch 肆客足球.
Dr Zethu Mkhize, the Director of the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Transformation Office will be in conversation with Dr Simba and Professor Jansen.
Entrance is free and refreshments will be served.
RSVP to Ricky Brecht at rickyb@sun.ac.za or tel 021?808 3660 to attend the event.
IiNcoko Nje: UCalucalulo lwaBemi baNgaphandle (Xenophobia) ngokwezeMfundo
IMyuziyam yeYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch iyakumema ekusungulweni kopapasho olutsha lukaGqr Precious Simba, uNjingalwazi Jonathan Jansen, nongasekhoyo uGqr Cyrill Walters, olunesihloko esithi Academic Xenophobia: African Scholars in South African Universities.
Umhla: NgoLwesithathu, 12 EyoKwindla 2025
Ixesha: 17:00 – 18:30
Indawo: IMyuziyam yeYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch, 52 Ryneveld Street, eStellenbosch
Le ncwadi iphengulula amava anomaleko amalungu eefakhalthi zamaAfrika aMnyama kwiiyunivesithi zikawonkewonke ezingama26 eziseMzantsi Afrika. Aba babhali baphonononga indlela eluthi ucalucalulo lwabemi bangaphandle lubonakale kwimeko yezemfundo, nefuthe olunalo kubantu ngabanye ngabanye, kumaziko, nakwimigaqonkqubo. Ngokuphanda iimpendulo zamaziko nokomelela kwezifundiswa zaseAfrika, lo msebenzi unegalelo kwiingxoxompikiswano ezingohlalutyo ezimalunga noquko, ubulungisa, nokupheliswa kobukoloniyali kwimfundo ephakamileyo.
Malunga nababhali
- UGqr Precious Simba sisifundiswa sobuntu, utitshala nomphandi kwiFakhalthi yezeMfundo kwiYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch.
- UNjingalwazi Jonathan Jansen yiNjingalwazi yezeMfundo eBalaseleyo kwiYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch nomongameli wakwixesha eladlulayo weAkhademi yeNzululwazi yoMzantsi Afrika.
- Ongasekhoyo uGqr Cyrill Walters wayengumhlohli omkhulu kwiSikolo sezoShishino saseStellenbosch neDlelane lezoPhando kwiMfundo ePhakamileyo kwiYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch.
UGqr Zethu Mkhize, uMlawuli weOfisi yeeNguqu kwiYunivesithi yaseStellenbosch uza kube ebambe incoko kunye noGqr Simba noNjingalwazi Jansen.
Ukungena kusimahla kwaye okuya phantsi kwempumlo kuza kubakho.
Nceda uphendule kuRicky Brecht ku-rickyb@sun.ac.za? okanye umtsalele umnxeba ku021?808 3660 ukuze uzimase lo msitho.?