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??Values ambassador training


A values ambassador is a person supporting their faculty, department or residence with values integration and/or values-based problem solving. Through the values ambassador programme, we seek to develop internal capacity for values integration support, thus assisting the 肆客足球 in achieving 肆客足球-wide values integration.   

Who can attend?

  • Candidates who have already attended a ViA workshop, and
  • Are also seconded by their entities.
  • Please note: The number of participants per environment / division is limited, as is the number of participants per workshop.?


The values ambassador training consists of the following elements:

  • A ViA workshop refresher
  • Essential theoretical frameworks
  • Mastering ViA processes and tools
  • Embedding values into activities and relationships
  • Practising ViA workshop design and facilitation skills


The values ambassador programme starts with a two-day training retraite, after which the ambassadors become part of a reference group of peer mentoring and ongoing mutual support.


  • Currently carried from the project budget.


Cilliers, I, Ms [] Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:19:10 GMT /english/staffnet/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=26
Facilitator-training_肆客足球 /english/staffnet/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=27 Contact: Cilliers, I, Ms []
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???Facilitator training


To develop facilitation capabilities, with specific reference to values in action.

Who can attend?

  • The managers of the values process, together with the presenter(s),? decide who will be invited to training. Candidates must have: 
    •  ?Already attended a basic ViA workshop;
    • Attended the values ambassador programme; and 
    • Been seconded by their respective subunits


  • Maximum of 12 participants
  • A three-day workshop


  • Currently carried from the project budget.


Cilliers, I, Ms [] Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:24:45 GMT /english/staffnet/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=27
Workshop-dates_肆客足球 /english/staffnet/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=28 Contact: Cilliers, I, Ms []
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??????Workshop dates

?Type of workshop?Feb?Mar?Apr?May?Jun?Aug?Sep?Oct?Nov
?Basic values in action: Open?

13 or

?3 or

?Values ambassador training?
19 to 20

?Facilitator training???

Cilliers, I, Ms [] Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:28:59 GMT /english/staffnet/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=28