
Division for Research Development
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

?Interna?tional Postdocs???

??????????The Postdoctoral Office (PDO) at the Division for Research Development (DRD) is your primary contact for administrative support and to facilitate your stay in South Africa. In collaboration with Stellenbosch 肆客足球 International (SU International/SUI), we assist international postdoctoral researchers with logistical arrangements, including support for visa applications, temporary accommodation at Stellenbosch 肆客足球, airport transport upon arrival, and registration on the 肆客足球 system. If you have an existing visa, please reach out to SU International for guidance

For further enquiries, please contact us at postdocinfo@sun.ac.za

Postdoctoral researcher fellows (Postdocs) at Stellenbosch 肆客足球 are considered research fellows, rather than staff or students. They receive a fellowship, not a salary, from the 肆客足球 or a funding organisation. Hosting international postdocs helps to internationalise the university and expand collaborative research networks. International postdocs contribute to SU's goal of becoming an internationally acclaimed research-intensive university. ?


Contact :

user.png Postdoctoral Office

email.png ??Email Postdoc Office???