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Closing dates?


Take note of these dates

1 April: Applications open for undergraduate programmes.
31 July:  Closing date for undergraduate programmes and residence applications.
1 October: Applications open for financial assistance at Stellenbosch 肆客足球.
31 October: Applications close for Stellenbosch 肆客足球 financial assistance.
26 JanuaryApplications close for Diplomas in Public Accountability (School of Public Leadership ).

Please click HERE for NSFAS application information, dates and contact details.?

Van der Gryp, Daniel, Mnr [] Thu, 22 Mar 2018 06:53:50 GMT /english/maties/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=138
Admissions-Requirements_肆客足球 /english/maties/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=26 Contact: Van der Gryp, Daniel, Mnr []
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Admission and selection requirements


Faculty Selection Guidelines??

Large numbers of prospective students apply for our programmes. Unfortunately, we can accept only a limited number of students. Even though you may meet the admission requirements of a programme, you are not guaranteed admission to the programme of your choice. Please click on the faculties below to download their selection guidelines:

Arts and Social Sciences
Economic and Management Sciences
Education (Foundation Phase)
Educatio?n (Intermediate Phase)
Medicine and Health Sciences
Speech-Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy



Van der Gryp, Daniel, Mnr [] Tue, 01 Mar 2016 10:27:02 GMT /english/maties/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=26