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If you are an employer, you can recruit and connect with Stellenbosch 肆客足球 (SU) students through various events, activities and platforms. These include participating in university career fairs, conducting on-campus recruitment interviews and assessments, and? advertising opportunities in our Graduate Recruitment Programme Booklet.


?During ?2024 we will host the following Career Fairs:
5 August: General Career Fair (all faculties, in marquee tents on the Rooiplein 09:00 ¨C 15:00)

6 August: Accounting Career Fair (Accounting students pursuing SAICA, SAIPA and/or CIMA registration, same venue as above)

8 August: Engineering Career Fair (Engineering students, Academia Recreational Hall, 09:00 ¨C 15:00)?

?If companies wish to participate in any activities or events, contact the Unit at 021 808 3568 or e-mail Companies can also register on Gradlinc to advertise job vacancies, connect with students, and register for events.  ?


?Could you send me a list of all the top students or a list of students in a specific degree course or faculty?

By law, we are not permitted to disclose any student contact details and therefore cannot provide you with any student information. You are welcome to register on Grandlinc and choose one of their recruitment packages to get your opportunities to our students.

Our company has a vacancy that needs to be filled immediately. Can we advertise the position ?to your graduates?

We do not keep a database of students who have already graduated. Once students graduate, their university e-mail addresses become invalid and they cannot be contacted. We suggest that the vacancy be advertised on our careers portal, Gradlinc, where interested graduates can see it. 
Our company has started a graduate programme and would like to advertise this to students who graduate at the end of the year. Is this possible?

We can advertise your programme to enrolled students by means of a mailshot. All you have to do is supply us with content for an e-mail (no attachments and the content should not exceed 100 KB), which we will forward to our students. A fee is payable for this service. Please send your requests to

What do you offer employers?

We offer employers office space to conduct interviews with our students or rooms where written assessments could be conducted. In addition, employers could advertise in our Graduate Recruitment booklet and register to access our careers portal, Gradlinc?

Ortlepp, SC, Mnr [] Tue, 18 Nov 2014 07:49:37 GMT /english/learning-teaching/student-affairs/cscd/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=19
FAQ0309-4331_肆客足球 /english/learning-teaching/student-affairs/cscd/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=101 Contact: Pow Chong, Sandra []
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Page Content: ???????????????UPSS emergency number?

How to support students in distress

肆客足球 students face a great deal of stress and pressure that can impact their life, on both a personal and an academic level. Whether you are a member of faculty or staff, a family member, or a friend, we have information to guide you as you address your concerns about a student. We have provided information about signs of excessive distress and guidance on how to approach a stud?ent about whom you are concerned.?


Getting help & reporting sexual assualt (Stellenbosch & Tygerberg campus)

?Sexual Assault Stellenbosch e-mail and smartphone.jpg
?Sexual assault Tygerberg 18 AUG22-01.jpg

?Mental Health Awareness Series?




Pow Chong, Sandra [] Mon, 09 Mar 2020 09:22:33 GMT /english/learning-teaching/student-affairs/cscd/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=101
Services0309-903_肆客足球 /english/learning-teaching/student-affairs/cscd/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=100 Contact: Pow Chong, Sandra []
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Page Content: ???????????????????UPSS emergency number


The Unit provides students with free and confidential individual and group counselling sessions for challenges ranging from a variety of mental health issues like depression, anxiety, alcohol and substance abuse, home or university trauma and loss, tension, to low self-esteem and identity issues, etc. Other services include assisting with the Work Study Programme and food assistance for those in need. 
Dedicated professional staff are available to help you at the Stellenbosch and Tygerberg campuses. Contact us for an appointment by sending an e-mail to or phoning 021 808 4994 (Stellenbosch Campus) or 021 927 7020 (Tygerberg Campus).

?Individual counselling sessions

Short-term individual counselling or therapy is offered to registered SU students only. Once you have been screened and depending on the nature of your challenge, the counsellor or psychologist will work with you to find the best possible solution.?

Group counselling sessions

Certain challenges are better managed in a group setting, where you can find support from peers who are experiencing similar problems or challenges. The Unit hosts several therapeutic and support group sessions, each with a very specific focus. During screening, the counsellor will advise you on the group process and make the necessary referral.

Work Study Programme

The Work Study Programme allows students to gain work experience while studying. These students earn a minimal income per month to assist with their financial need. The aim of this programme is to aid students who find themselves under financial strain regarding basic essential needs such as food, books, and as well other necessities. Applications for the 2023 programme are now open. Download and submit your completed? application form and attach your CV before or on Friday, 18 November 2022 to Lizzie Witbooi at

Due to limited funding, we can only accommodate a limited number of students. The successful applicants will sign an 8-month working agreement and will be required to work a maximum of 20 hours per month.

?Food assistance

We realise many students face challenges around access to food. The Unit has food assistance programmes in place to assist you if you need support. The Social Workers do a holistic assessment, when a student requests assistance in this regard. If you would like to access food assistance, e-mail, or phone 021 808 4994 (Stellenbosch Campus) or 021 927 7020 (Tygerberg Campus).?

Work sessions

Let's make life make SENSE

OT CSCD Groups Instagram Post.png?


Pow Chong, Sandra [] Mon, 09 Mar 2020 08:11:00 GMT /english/learning-teaching/student-affairs/cscd/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=100
CC-FAQ_肆客足球 /english/learning-teaching/student-affairs/cscd/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=11 Contact: Ortlepp, SC, Mnr []
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??????????????RESOURCES & FAQs

Have a look below at some additional information on honing your interview skills or updating your CV and cover letter. You will also find other resources to assist you to better equip yourself for your first steps into the world of work.


Examples of cover letters

Work sessions - online recordings

??Get Ready 2Work: CV
?Get Ready2Work: Interview Skills
?Get Ready2Work: LinkedIn Profile

Student FAQs?

Will you find me a job?

No. We are not a placement or recruitment agency, but we help students prepare effectively for the job-seeking process. We also organise network opportunities with companies and manage the Gradlinc portal where companies place job advertisements. We further send out targeted e-mails with a list of vacancies to students.

I am a first-year student. May I use the services of the Unit for Graduand Career Services?

Yes. Although we focus on preparing our final-year students for the world of work, it is important to start working on your career goals and job-seeking skills from your first year. We advise our first-year students to attend the work sessions we offer.

I am interested in making an appointment to develop my CV. How do I do this and what would I need?

Register for our work sessions at Gradlinc, complete your profile, go to Events, then to Workshops and RSVP for a CV Writing work session. If you need additional assistance, contact Thobeka Msi at to book an individual session. Send her a copy of your latest CV and bring along a printed copy on the day of your appointment.

I have an interview coming up and would like to talk to someone about how I can prepare for the interview.

Register for our work sessions at Gradlinc, complete your profile, go to Events, then to Workshops and RSVP for an Interview Skills work session. This should not be a last-minute decision ¨C give yourself enough time to prepare. Should you need additional information, contact Thobeka Msi at

Where and when are your work sessions presented?

All our work sessions are presented during lunchtime on scheduled dates throughout the year. Sessions are held at the Careers Office, 43 Victoria Street, Stellenbosch. For a complete list of work sessions, visit Gradlinc.

Do you charge a fee for your services??

Our services are free.

Should I take my CV with me to the career fairs?

It is always advisable to take a few copies of your CV to any career fair. If a company representative shows interest in following up with you, you may ask if they would like a copy of your CV.

I want to change the course of my studies and need to speak to someone.

Contact your faculty secretary in Admin A regarding your concerns and needs. You can also contact the CSCD situated at 43 Victoria Street on 021-808 4707 to make an appointment to see a guidance counsellor.

I graduated last year and now need some career advice. Could you help?

The Student Recruitment/Prospective Students Office offers career advice and counselling to alumni and prospective students wishing to further their studies. Visit them here for more details.

Are your workshops open for anyone?

Our workshops are available only to students currently studying at SU.

I am looking for part-time or vacation work. Where should I start looking?

Click here for our latest vacancies. In addition, register on Gradlinc?.

I need to speak to an academic counsellor and want to make an appointment.

Contact 021 808 4707 or visit the Centre at 37 Victoria Street, Stellenbosch, to make an appointment.

Ortlepp, SC, Mnr [] Tue, 18 Nov 2014 07:45:22 GMT /english/learning-teaching/student-affairs/cscd/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=11