
Medical Physiology
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Division of Medical Physiology

????????????????PhD Students?

Class of 2024

?Danelle BESTER

Email:  19198639@sun.ac.za?

Qualifications: BSc (Human Life Sciences-Cum laude), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology-Cum laude) and MSc (Medical Physiology- Cum laude).

Research Group: Centre for Cardio-metabolic Research in Africa (CARMA)

Research Project: Investigating a potential role for ATM protein kinase in the ER stress response in cardiovascular pathology

Supervisor(s): Prof Barbara Huisamen and co-supervisors Dr Marguerite Blignaut and Dr Derick Van Vuuren.

>>Research Outp?uts??


Email: 24467189@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BSc (Human Physiology) (Ahmadu Bello 肆客足球, Nigeria) and MSc (Physiology) (Kampala International 肆客足球, Uganda)

Research Group: Neuroscience Research Group

Research Project: The Effects of Intergenerational Epigenetics of traumatic stress in a sexual defeat rat model.

Supervisor(s): Dr Lihle Qulu and co-supervisor Prof. SMJ Hemmings?

>>Research Outputs??


Email: 18546854@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BSc (Human Life Science), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology) and MSc (Medical physiolog-Cum laude)

Research Group: Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Reproductive Research Group (SURRG)

Research Project: An Investigation into the Molecular Pathways through which Dopamine and Ritalin produce their effects in human sperm - an in vitro study.

Supervisor(s): Dr Bongekile Skosana and co-supervisors Prof Stefan Du Plessis and Dr Lihle Qulu?.?


Email: 20212224@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BSc (Biology in Human Life Sciences), BSc Honours (Physiological Sciences) and MSc (Physiological Sciences-Cum laude)

Research Group: Centre for Cardio-metabolic Research in Africa

Research Project: Investigating the effects of chronic stress on cardiovascular function

Supervisor(s): Prof. Faadiel Essop and co-supervisors Dr Danzal Joseph and Dr M Vlok 


Email: 17184207@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: Bsc (Medical Bioscience), BSc Honours (Medical Bioscience (Cum Laude) and MSc Nanoscience (Cum Laude).

Research Group: Centre for Cardio-metabolic Research in Africa (CARMA)

Research Project: The effect of particle therapy on tumour angiogenesis
Supervisor(s): Prof. Hans Strjidom, Dr Amanda Genis, Dr Charlot Vandevoorde (iThemba Labs) and Dr Julie Bolcaen (iThemba Labs).

>>Research Outputs


Email: 18276407@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BSc (Medical Bioscience), BSc Honours (Medical physiology) and MSc (Medical Physiology)

Research Group: Neuroscience Research Group

Research Project: Exploratory Study Investigating Differentially Methylated Genes in Adults with Depression and Anxiety: Epigenetic Links Shared Between Childhood Trauma, Mental Health, and Cardiometabolic Risk

Supervisor: Dr Lihle Qulu?. and co-supervisors Prof. Sian Hemmings and Dr Jani N?thling

Ilze Verona WILLEMSE 

Email: 15171701@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BSc (Human life sciences with Physiology Genetics and Microbiology), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology), PGCE and MSc (Medical Physiology)

Research Group: Centre for Cardio-metabolic Research in Africa (CARMA)

Research Project: Asphalathus linearis as a possible SGLT2-inhibitor: Investigating the anti-hypertensive effects of Green Rooibos extracts.

Supervisor(s): Prof Barbara Huisamen and co-supervisors Dr Erna Marais and Dr Shantal Windvogel?


Email: 21911886@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BSc (Human Life Science), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology) and MSc (Medical physiology-Cum laude)

Research Group: Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Reproductive Research Group (SURRG)

Research Project: Beyond psychiatric care: Investigating Olanzapine's effect on male fertility potential by expanding on the role of septin proteins.

Supervisor(s): Dr Hanél Sadie-Van Gijsen and co-supervisor Prof. Liana Maree


Email: 20697163@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BSc (Human Life Science), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology-Cum Laude) and MSc (Medical physiology-Cum laude)

Research Group: Biomedical Research and Innovative Platform (BRIP)

Research Project: The potential of human derived corneal epithelial spheroids to study limbal stem cell deficiency

Supervisor(s): Dr Nireshni Chellan and co-supervisors Dr Marguerite Blignaut and Prof. Ben Loos


Email: 21992649@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BMedSci (Physiology-Cum Laude), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology-Cum Laude) and MSc (Medical Physiology-Cum laude)

Research Group: Centre for Cardio-metabolic Research in Africa (CARMA)

Research Project: Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation signatures and the risk of developing hypertension in a South African population

Supervisor(s): Prof. Rabia Johnson and co-supervisors Dr Jyoti Sharma and Prof. Hans Strijdom


Email: 19382650@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BSc (Human Life Science), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology) and MSc (Medical physiology)

Research Group: Centre for Cardio-metabolic Research in Africa (CARMA)

Research Project: Characteising the effects and underlying mechanisms of mitochondrial-targeted, orientin enriched nanoparticles (NPs) in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.

Supervisor(s): Dr Gerald Maarman and co-supervisor Prof. Admire Dube

??Thato KGATLA

Email: 20442807@@sun.ac.za

Qualifications: BSc (Molecular and Life Science), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology- Cum Laude) 

Research Group: Centre for Cardio-metabolic Research in Africa (CARMA)

Research Project: Investigating the novel roles of metallothioneins in rooibos-induced cardioprotection using a cardiomyoblast model of angiotensin II-induced hypertrophy and apoptosis
Supervisor(s): Dr Gerald Maarman and co-supervisor Prof. Erna Marais

Lindokuhle NGUBANE

Email: 28776305@sun.ac.za?

Qualifications: BSc (Biomolecular of Technology), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology) and MSc (Medical Physiology)

Research Group: Neuroscience Research Group?

Research Project: The experiences and biological factors influencing the behaviour of incarcerated rapists in a male prison in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.

Supervisor(s): Dr. L Qulu

Ronaldo? MUKHARI?

Email: 27674959@sun.ac.za??
Qualifications: BSc (Molecular and Life Sciences), BSc Honours (Biochemistry) and MSc (Biochemistry)

Research Group: Biomedical Research and Innovative Platform (BRIP)

Research Project: Modulating maternal health as a strategy to mitigate metabolic disease in offspring– a mechanistic study

Supervisor(s): Dr Sylvia Riedel and co-supervisors Prof. Carmen Pheiffer and Prof. Hans Strijdom

 Ayesha? SHAIK

?Email: ayesha.shaik@mrc.ac.za?

Qualifications: BSc (Human Life Sciences), BSc Honours (Medical Physiology), MSc (Medical Physiology)?

Research Group: Biomedical Research and Innovative Platform (BRIP)?

Research Project: The Epigenetic Signatures of Sarcomas: Exploring the Role of DNA Methylation in Tumour Pathogenesis and Treatment
Supervisor(s): Dr Tarryn Willmer, Dr Moshawa Khaba, Dr Amsha Viraragavan and Prof. Faadiel Essop


Vuyolwethu? MBOMBELA

Email: vuyolm@sun.ac.za?

Qualifications: ?

Research Group: Centre for Cardio-metabolic Research in Africa (CARMA)

Research Project: Characterizing and comparing the effects of Olanzapine on systemic metabolism as modelled in male and female Westar rat white adipose tissue inflammation and bioenergetics  

Supervisor: Dr Hanél Sadie van Gijsen


?Email: 25505963@sun.ac.za?

Qualifications: BSc (Biochemistry and Microbiology), BSc Honours (Molecular Biochemistry) and MSc (Medical Physiology)? 

Research Group: Biomedical Research and Innovative Platform (BRIP)
Research Project: Investigating the role of novel sulfonamide derivatives on beige-like adipocytes and macrophage crosstalk?
Supervisor(s): Dr Babalwa Jack, Prof. Carmen Pheiffer, Prof. Titinchi Salam and Dr. Hanél Sadie-Van Gijsen