Research Report
Skool Vir Openbare Bestuur & Beplanning : 2005
PLEASE NOTE: The Research Report format modifications have now been completed. If you detect any problems with the format on the report, please contact the RA Administators in the Research Office.
Journal Articles (subsidised)
ROSSOUW A, SCHWELLA E. Competencies for the Senior Management Service in the South African Public Service: An Evaluative Assessment. Journal of Public Administration 2005; 40(4) : 19.
Journal Articles (NON-subsidised)
ACKRON JC, SCHWELLA E. Institutionalising Local Economic Development: A Trends Based Analysis of New Approaches in South Africa. International Journal of Applied Public Sector Management 2005; 1(3) : 19.
SCHWELLA E. Inovação no governo e no setor público: desafios e implicações para a liderança. Revista do Serviço Público (Journal of Public Service), Brasilia (Brazil) 2005; 56(3) : 18.
DAVIDS I, THERON F, MAPHUNYE KM. Public participation in South Africa. A Development Management perspective. van Schaik Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa 2005:243 pp.
PETRONI G, CLOETE GS. New Technologies in Public Administration, International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) Monograph vol 28. ISO Press, Brussels, Belgium 2005:171 pp.
Chapters in Books
CLOETE GS, CALLAHAN K, OLSHFSKI D, SCHWELLA E. Comments on case study: 肆客足球 Games. In Global Public Management: Cases & Comments, Sage Publications, London, United Kingdom, 2004: 2.
CLOETE GS, PETRONI G, CLOETE GS. Maximising the potential of transforming policy failure into policy success: E-government, the digital divide & E-development. In New Technologies in Public Administration, International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) Monograph vol 28, IOS Press, Brussels, Belgium, 2005: 20.
CLOETE GS. Bridging the Public Adminstration Digital Divide, Part II, Introduction. In New Technologies in Public Adminstration, Interntational Institute of Administrqtive Sciences (IIASA) Monographs, Vol 28, IOS Press, Brussels, Belgium, 2005: 4.
THERON F, WETMORE SB. Appropriate social development research: a new paradigm to explore. In Public participation in South Africa. A Development Management perspective, JL van Schaik Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 16.
THERON F. Guidelines for writing scientific documents and using basic social research methodology. In Public participation in South Africa. A Development Management perspective, JL van Schaik Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 20.
THERON F. Integrated development planning as micro-level development strategy. In Public participation in South Africa. A Development Management perspective, JL van Schaik Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 16.
THERON F. Public participation as micro-level development strategy. In Public participation in South Africa. A Development Management perspective, JL van Schaik Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 22.
THERON F. Trends in micro-level development. In Public participation in South Africa. A Development Management perspective, JL van Schaik Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005: 7.
Doctoral completed
ABEBE WOLDE M. Public Policy-making and Development Management in Ethiopia. PhD, 2005. 298 pp. Promotor: Cloete GS.
KETEL BS. Management Capacity Building in the South African Police Service. PhD, 2005. 256 pp. Promotor: Schwella E.
PIETERSE CL. An Integrated Financial Framework for Provincial Governance in the Provincial Government of the Western Cape. PhD, 2005. 330 pp. Promotor: Burger APJ.
Masters completed
BARDIEN Z. Developing a new model to monitor policing conduct regarding service delivery. MPA, 2005. 130 pp. Studieleier: Ketel BS.
BOOYSEN F. Delft SAPS as instrument for community development. MPA, 2005. **MISSING TOTAL PAGES** pp. Studieleier: Theron F.
CORNELISSEN DD. Service Delivery Improvement in the WCED: a Total Quality Management Approach. MPA, 2005. 85 pp. Studieleier: Schwella E.
DAVEY J. Assessing public participation strategies in low-income housing: a Mamre Housing Project. MA, 2005. 96 pp. Studieleier: Theron F.
EVERSON AWJ. Developmental Local Government and the role that Public Private Partnerships can play in achieving this in the Breede River/Winelands Municipality. MPA, 2005. 71 pp. Studieleier: Müller JJ.
FOXCROFT G. Interpol National Central Bureau: An operational Policy. MPA, 2005. **MISSING TOTAL PAGES** pp. Studieleier: Cloete GS.
GUTAS TL. The listening campaign as a tool for Public Participation in the Itegrated Development Plan (IDP): A case study of City of Cape Town. MPA, 2005. 110 pp. Studieleier: Theron F.
JAMES MA. The feasibility of e-HR and a intranet at the Breede River Valley Municipality . MA, 2005. 88 pp. Studieleier: Cloete GS.
KUNYANI HM. The Role of Party Politics in Local Participation and Representation: Challenges and Prospects in Malawi’s Local Assemblies. MPA, 2005. 78 pp. Studieleier: Cloete GS.
NAMPILA TM. Assessing community participation – the Huidare Informal Settlement. MPhil, 2005. 100 pp. Studieleier: Theron F.
NELANA B. Co-operative governance in Integrated Development Planning – Local Economic Development in the Eastern Cape. MPhil, 2005. 129 pp. Studieleier: Theron F.
NGCOBO ES. The Use and Approporiateness of Different Economic Instruments for Water Demand Management at Buffalo City Municipality. MPA, 2005. 77 pp. Studieleier: Müller JJ.
OKAFOR UGO. Computer Assisted Analysis of Namibian Land Reform Policy. MPA, 2005. 110 pp. Studieleier: Cloete GS.
RABIE J. Technological Tools for E-Government: The Application of CORVU in Public Sector Organisation. MA, 2005. 94 pp. Studieleier: Cloete GS.
RAMAILI LG. The impact of the Lesotho Highlands Water Scheme on surrounding poor communities. MA, 2005. 110 pp. Studieleier: Cloete GS.
STASSEN CC. A comparative study of participative management at the police stations in the East Metropole & Wyoming, USA . MPA, 2005. 144 pp. Studieleier: van Wyk BS.
TAMBULASI RIC. The Impact of the New Public Management Reforms on Political Control and Corruption: The case of Malawi's Local Governance. MPA, 2005. 88 pp. Studieleier: Burger APJ.
XALI N. Community participation in housing development – the Boystown informal settlement project. MPA, 2005. 132 pp. Studieleier: Theron F.

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