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?????????????We??lcome to the Departmen??t of Hist???ory?

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? ?? Semester 1 

13463 - His 114 (1?2) 

Introduction to the main global patterns and developments in history (3L,1T) 

  • Nomadic societies
  • The agricultural revolution and the emergence of established societies
  • The development of complex societies
  • The emergence of modernity and the industrial revolution
  • The historical construction of the modern globalising world


? Semester 2 

13463 - His 144 (12) 

Survey of South African History (3L,1T) 

  • Debates on the settlement of population groups in South Africa
  • Clashes in the interior: the historical significance of 19th-century migrations
  • The mineral revolution and its impact on modern South Africa
  • Afrikaner nationalism as a historical factor
  • Segregation and apartheid
  • Black nationalism and politics in the 20th century
  • South Africa and the outside world
Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;rspiers@sun.ac.za&gt; Tue, 17 Nov 2015 10:12:34 GMT /english/faculty/arts/history/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=20
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???????? Semester 1 

13463 - His 214 (16) 

Key Processes in the making of Western History (3L,1T) 

  • Empires, states and the making of a global economy
    • The making of a global economy, from China to the Americas
    • Empire in an industrial age
    • Capitalism and the modern state
    • Today's world: post-imperial or neo-colonial?
  • ?Origins, dynamics and impact of historical revolutions?

? Semester 2

13463 - His 244 (16) 

Africa and South Africa: Colonisation and the Rearrangement of Societies (3L,1T) 

  • Africa and the West in the 19th century
    • Colonial policies in Africa
    • The political, cultural and economic impact of the colonisation of Africa in the 19th century
  • South Africa in the 18th and 19th centuries
    • The political and cultural dynamics of 18th- and 19th-century Cape societies
    • The establishment of new black empires and white republics in the interior in the 19th century
    • The mineral revolution: the making of a new political and cultural social order
Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;rspiers@sun.ac.za&gt; Tue, 17 Nov 2015 10:14:53 GMT /english/faculty/arts/history/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=21
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Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;rspiers@sun.ac.za&gt; Tue, 17 Nov 2015 08:06:46 GMT /english/faculty/arts/history/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=43
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Dr Chet Fransch

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021 808 2179????


  • History 214: Modern World Revolutions, 18th 每 21st century
  • History 348: War and Society in 20th century South Africa
  • Honours: Marc Bloch and the Annales School; History as a Discipline; Sex, Laws and Societies- Historicising Sexual Violence in South Africa
  • Admin: Tutor coordinator, MA coordination 

Research interests / Supervision interests

Gender & identity, inter- and intra-relationship related violence; sexual violence; locational and racial identities amongst 'coloured' communities; religious identities, French literary movements; media representations; music histories; criminal and customary law histories; Law and Justice; gangsterism and vigilantism; medical histories (ability to supervise in French and English).

Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;rspiers@sun.ac.za&gt; Tue, 17 Nov 2015 10:01:29 GMT /english/faculty/arts/history/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=46
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Senior Lecturer

Dr Thembani Dube

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021 808 2183???


  • History 114: A Brief History of the last Five Million Years
  • History 318: Decolonisation and Globalisation in Africa
  • Honours: African Identities
  • Honours: David Beach and the precolonial history of Southern Africa
  • History Society co-ordinator
  • Open Day co-ordinator?

Research interests

Thembani Dube works on pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial Southern African History (Zimbabwe in particular) with special interest in social history, identity and belonging. Her current work focuses on migrant identities and belonging amongst marginal communities. She is currently working on, Kalanga: Identity, language and change in Zimbabwe, 1800-2022, a monograph that explores the (un)making of the Kalanga and how this identity evolved over time mediated by different institutions such as chieftainship, religion and language in colonial and post-colonial states.

Supervision interests

Southern African social history, particularly focussing on Zimbabwe, migrant communities in South Africa, identities, and ethnicity.


Key publications

Chimwemwe Tembo, Ethel Emmarantia Phiri, Thembani Dube, Stephen Syampungani, Rhoda Ronette Malgas, Kristine Maciejewski, ※A point-in-time inventory of chikanda orchids within a wild harvesting wetland area in Mwinilunga, Zambia: implications for conservation", Biodiversity and Conversation, (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-023-02768-8. 

Dube, T, ※We will meet at the Bridge": Alexander Bridge and stories of a Zimbabwean migrant family in Johannesburg, South Africa", in S. Ndlovu-Gatsheni & E Moyo, (eds) Planetary Human Entanglements and Politics of Living Together: Identities, Borders, Migrations and Citizenship (Oxfordshire, Routledge, December 2022). 

Dube, T, ※Gukurahundi remembered: The role of the police during the Gukurahundi genocide in Bulilimamangwe district, 1982-1988" Journal of Asian and African Studies, 56, 8 (2021), 1848-1860, DOI: 10.1177/0021909621992789. (Impact factor 0.684). 

Dube, T, ※Language, Resistance and Multilingualism in postcolonial Zimbabwe: The Kalanga and their Struggle for Recognition", Journal of Southern African Studies, 46, 6 (2020), 1183-1201, DOI: 10.1080/03057070.2020.1834238.  (Impact factor 0.676). 

Dande, I, Doro, E, Dube, T & Musemwa, M, ※Remembering Mugabe", South African Historical Journal, 72, 2 (2020), 321-344, DOI: 10.1080/02582473.2020.1769962. (Impact factor 0.302). 

Dube, T, (Book review) ※Land Migration and Belonging: A History of the Basotho in Southern Rhodesia c. 1890- 1960s", South African Historical Journal, 2020, 2-5. DOI: 10.1080/02582473.2020.1774638. (Impact factor0.302). 

Dube, T, ※HIV/AIDS, Women's migration from Plumtree to Johannesburg, and changing perceptions about disease and the diseased, 1995-2006", Southern Journal for Contemporary History 45, 1 (2020), 96-116 DOI: 10.18820/24150509/ SJCH45.v2.5 ISSN 0258-2422. 

Dube, T, ※The Kalanga in Historical Perspective", in The Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of African History (Oxford, Oxford 肆客足球 Press, 2020). DOI:10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.290. 

Dube, T, ※Kalanga culture and the nature of resistance against the Native Land Husbandry Act of 1951 in colonial Zimbabwe", New Contree, 81, (December 2018), 160-180. 

Dube, T, ※Politics of belonging: Ethnicity and identity of the Kalanga people of Bulilimamangwe District in colonial Zimbabwe", in Handbook of Research on Social, Cultural, and Educational Considerations of Indigenous Knowledge in Developing Countries (IGI Global Publishers 2016).

Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;rspiers@sun.ac.za&gt; Tue, 17 Nov 2015 10:01:29 GMT /english/faculty/arts/history/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=45
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Departmental chair

Prof Sandra Swart

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021 808 23?90?


  • History 144: A Brief History of the last five million years.
  • History 318: The Times they are A-changin' 每 key themes from the 20th Century
  • Honours: Sol Plaatje
  • Honours: Rock Art/Animal history
  • PhD co-ordinator?

Research interests

?Multi-species past, more-than-human history, animal sensitive history. Environmental history. Anthropocene. Conservation humanities.

Supervision interests

???Animal history. Conservation history. Environmental history. Anthropocene. Social history. Southern Africa.?

Key publications??


The Lion's Historian 每 Africa's Animal Past (Johannesburg: Jacana Press, 2023).

Co-editor: Gender and Animals in History, Amsterdam 肆客足球 Press, 2024. 

Co-editor, with Emily O'Gorman, Mark Carey and William San Mart赤n, The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History (Routledge, 2024).

Riding High 每 horses, humans and history in South Africa (Johannesburg: Witwatersrand 肆客足球 Press, 2010).

Co-editor, with Lance Van Sittert, Canis Africanis 每 A Dog History of Southern Africa (Leiden: Brill, 2008).

Co-author, with Albert Grundlingh, Radelose Rebellie?/Desperate Rebellion (Pretoria: Protea, 2009).

Co-author, with Greg Bankoff, Breeds of Empire: The 'invention' of the horse in the Philippines and Southern Africa, 1500-1950 (Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press 2007).


Selected Articles/Chapters from last five years

Sandra Swart, 'Shared Skin: The slow intimacy of horse and rider', Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, 1, 8, 2024. 

Andy Flack and Sandra Swart, 'Sensing Life: Intersections of Animal and Sensory Histories', in Michael Glover & Les Mitchell (eds.), Animals as Experiencing Entities: Theories and Historical Narratives. Springer, 2024, 123-154. 

Sandra Swart, ※Little Grey Men? Animals and Alien Kinship", Global Environment, 16 (2023): 12每39.  

Sandra Swart, ※Beasts of the Southern World: multi-species history and the Anthropocene." In Thula Simpson (ed.), New Directions in SA Historiography (Manchester: Manchester 肆客足球 Press, 2023). 

Sandra Swart, ※Kicking Over the Traces? Freeing the Animal from the Archive." In Jennifer Bonnell and Sean Kheraj (eds), Traces of the Animal Past: Methodological Challenges in Animal History (Calgary: 肆客足球 of Calgary Press, 2022). 

Elijah Doro and Sandra Swart, ※Beyond Agency: The African Peasantry, the State, and Tobacco in Southern Rhodesia (Colonial Zimbabwe), 1900每80,' The Journal of African History, 63, 1 (2022): 55-74. 

Sandra Swart, ※At the Edge of the Anthropocene: Crossing Borders in Southern African Environmental History", South African Historical Journal, 73, 1 (2021): 1-10. 

Sandra Swart, ※Academic Kintsugi 每 Fragments from the Front in a Plague Year", Reflections on Lockdown, South African Historical Journal, 73, 1 (2021): 25-44, 

Sandra Swart, ※African Studies." In Mieke Roscher, Andr谷 Krebber and Brett Mizelle (eds), Handbook of Historical Animal Studies (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021). 

Sandra Swart, ※O is for Okapi." In Antoinette Burton and Renisa Mawani (eds), Animalia: An Anti-Imperial Bestiary for Our Times (Durham: Duke 肆客足球 Press, 2020). 

Sandra Swart, ※Animals in African History", Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, 2019. 

Sandra Swart, ※The Other Citizens: Nationalism and Animals". In Hilda Kean and Philip Howell (eds) The Routledge Companion to Animal-human History (London: Routledge Taylor and Francis, 2019). 

Sandra Swart, ※Resurrection Conservation: The Return of the Extinct?"  In Jan Bart Gewald, Marja Spierenburg and Harry Wels (eds), Nature conservation in Southern Africa. Morality and Marginality: Towards Sentient Conservation? (Leiden: Brill, 2018). 

Sandra Swart, ※History Eats Its Young: The Perils of Short-Termism in Understanding the Past". In Gunnel Cederl?f and Mahesh Rangarajan (eds), At Nature's Edge: The Global Present and Long-Term History (Oxford: Oxford 肆客足球 Press, 2018). 

Sandra Swart, ※Race Politics: Horse Racing, Identity and Power in South Africa". In Miriam Adelman and Kirrilly Thompson (eds), Equestrian Cultures in Global and Local Contexts (London: Springer, 2018). 

Sandra Swart, ※South Africa's Environmental History: A Historiography". In Ravi Rajan and Lise Sedrez (eds), The Great Convergence Environmental Histories of BRICS (Oxford: Oxford 肆客足球 Press, 2018). 

With Donna Haraway, Donna Landry, Harriet Ritvo, 'Roundtable on Breed', Humanimalia, 10, 1 (2018): 5-26.?

Spiers, RL, Mev &lt;rspiers@sun.ac.za&gt; Tue, 17 Nov 2015 10:01:29 GMT /english/faculty/arts/history/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=42
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Senior Lecturer

Dr Sishuwa Sishuwa

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021 808 2182??


  • History 244: South Africa in the 18th and 19th century
  • History 348: South Africa in the 20th century
  • Honours: Despots, freedom fighters, and democrats: Political leadership in Southern Africa
  • Honours: China in Africa
  • History Society co-ordinator


Research interests

Sishuwa works on the political history of southern Africa from mid-twentieth century to the present, focusing primarily on Malawi and Zambia. His research interests include political leadership, biography, elections, civil society, ethnicity, racialised nationalism, and civil-military relations. A common thread that runs through his research is the location of contemporary political developments in a historical context, showing that the roots of recent democratic politics lie in earlier periods.  He is the author of Party Politics and Populism in Zambia (James Currey, 2024) and a recent winner of the prestigious Terence Ranger prize from the Journal of Southern African Studies. Sishuwa is currently working on Gunning for Democracy, a monograph that examines how the military in Malawi and Zambia has helped secure democratic gains since the return to multi-party politics in the early 1990s.

Supervision interests

Southern African political history, broadly defined, particularly topics focusing on Malawi and Zambia.


Key publications

Party Politics and Populism in Zambia: Michael Sata and Political Change, 1955 每 2014 (James Currey, 2024)

'Multi-ethnic vision or ethnic nationalism? The contested legacies of Anderson Mazoka and Zambia's 2006 election', Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 57.No. 2 (2023), 431-457.

'Defamation of the President, Racial Nationalism, and the Roy Clarke Affair in Zambia', African Affairs, Vol. 122, Issue 486, (2023), pp.33-55. (co-authored with D. Money)

'The outcome of a historical process set in motion in 1991': explaining the failure of incumbency advantage in Zambia's 2021 election', Journal of Eastern African Studies, Vol. 16. No. 4 (2022)., 659-680.

'Autocratisation, electoral politics and the limits of incumbency in African democracies', Journal of Eastern African Studies, Vol. 16. No. 4 (2022), 515-535. (co-authored with N. Beardsworth and H. Siachiwena)

'Legal autocratisation ahead of the 2021 Zambian election', Journal of Eastern African Studies, Vol. 16. No. 4 (2022), 558-575. (co-authored with M. Hinfelaar, L. Rakner and Nicolas van de Walle)

'Roots of Contemporary Political Strategies: Ethno-Populism in Zambia during the Late Colonial Era and Early 2000s', Journal of Southern African Studies, 47 (6), 2021:1061-1081.

'African Studies Keyword: Democracy', African Studies Review, 64 (3), 2021: 704-732. (co-authored with N. Cheeseman)

'Patronage politics and parliamentary elections in Zambia's one-party state, 1983-1988', Journal of Eastern African Studies, Vol. 14. No. 4 (2020): 591-612.

'Surviving on Borrowed Power: Rethinking the Role of Civil Society in Zambia's Third-term Debate', Journal of Southern African Studies, 46 (3), 2020: 471-490.

※'A White Man Will Never Be a Zambian': Racialised Nationalism, the Rule of Law, and Competing Visions of Independent Zambia in the Case of Justice James Skinner, 1964每1969", Journal of Southern African Studies, 45 (3), 2019: 503-523.

Book chapters

'Populism in Africa' in Yannis Stavrakakis and Giorgos Katsambekis (eds), Elgar Research Handbook on Populism (London: Elgar, 2024).

'Fragile dominance? The rise and fall of urban strategies for political settlement maintenance and change in Zambia' in Tom Goodfellow and David Jackman (eds), Controlling the Capita: Political Dominance in the Urbanising World (Oxford: Oxford 肆客足球 Press, 2023).

'Charismatic leadership in African politics' in Jose Pedro Zuquete (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Charisma (London: Routledge), 101-114.

※'Join Me to Get Rid of this President': The Opposition, Civil Society and Zambia's 2011 Election" in Tinenenji Banda, O'Brien Kaaba, Marja Hinfelaar and Muna Ndulo (eds.), Democracy and Electoral Politics in Zambia (Leiden: Brill, 2020), 11-33.?

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Senior Lecturer

Dr Justin Pearce

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021 808 2190?


  • History 144: South Africa in the 20th century
  • History 214: Empires, states and the making of a global economy
  • Honours programme co-ordinator
  • Honours: Writing nationalism
  • Honours: Liberation struggles, civil conflict and the Cold War in Southern Africa


Research interests

?Justin Pearce*s work is on liberation struggles and civil conflict in Southern Africa, particularly Angola and Mozambique. He is especially interested in the articulation between individual, local and national understandings of politics and identity, and international exchanges of ideas in the context of what has become known as the Global Cold War. He is the author of Political Identity and Conflict in Central Angola 1975-2002 (Cambridge, 2015) and an editor of the Journal of Southern African Studies.

Supervision interests

Southern African history, particularly Angola and Mozambique; late colonialism and decolonisation, particularly in the Portuguese Empire; liberation struggles; civil conflict; war and society; opposition politics; media.  


Key publications


Political Identity and Conflict in Central Angola, 1975每2002, Cambridge 肆客足球 Press, 2015, reprint 2018.

Published in Portuguese translation as A Guerra Civil em Angola, 1975-2002, Tinta-da-China, Lisbon, 2017.


Journal articles

'※In my territory you have to do something": MK, FAPLA and the war against UNITA.' Forthcoming in Journal of Southern African Studies, 2025.

'Traces of solidarity in liberation training sites in Angola'. Sources: Materials and Fieldwork in African Studies 5, 2023. https://www.sources-journal.org/917

'Simango, Gwenjere and the politics of the past in Mozambique'. Journal of Southern African Studies 47 (3), June 2021. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03057070.2021.1907136

'History, legitimacy and Renamo's return to arms in central Mozambique'. Africa 90 (4), August 2020. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0001972020000315

'From rebel movement to political party: UNITA's social engagement in post-war Angola'.  Government and Opposition 55 (3), July 2020. https://doi.org/10.1017/gov.2018.36

'Briefing: Angola's elections and the politics of presidential succession.' African Affairs 117 (466), January 2018 (co-authored with Didier P谷clard & Ricardo Soares de Oliveria). https://doi.org/10.1093/afraf/adx045

'Global ideologies and local politics: The Cold War as seen from Central Angola'. Journal of Southern African Studies 43 (1), January 2017. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03057070.2017.1266809

'Contesting the past in Angolan politics'. Journal of Southern African Studies 41 (1), January 2015. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03057070.2015.991189

 'Control, politics and identity in the Angolan civil war'. African Affairs, 111 (444), July 2012. https://doi.org/10.1093/afraf/ads028

'L'Unita 角 la recherche de ?son peuple?'. Dossier Angola, Politique Africaine 110, June 2008. https://doi.org/10.3917/polaf.110.0047


Book chapters

'Trends within historical studies on Angola and Mozambique from decolonisation to the present' in  History and Decolonization. Africanist Historiography and History Makers, c. 1860s-2020s, Routledge, forthcoming 2025.

'History of UNITA in Angola', The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, 2024.

'Disputing democracy and challenging the state in Mozambique' in Wale Adebanwi (ed.), Everyday State and Democracy in Africa: Ethnographic Encounters, Ohio 肆客足球 Press 2022.

'Peace accords in Angola: Contesting the meaning of success' in Grace Maina and Erik Melander (eds) Peace Agreements and Durable Peace in Africa, 肆客足球 of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2015.

'Angola: Changing nationalisms, from war to peace' in Eric Morier-Genoud (ed) Sure road? Nations and Nationalisms in Lusophone Africa, Brill, 2012.?

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