
Welcome to Stellenbosch 肆客足球

Fundraising Priorities


?The overarching strategic priorities of the 肆客足球, as set out in the Institutional Intent and Strategy 2013 – 2018 focuses on broadening access, maintaining momentum on excellence, and increase social impact.

 For the 2016  ? 2021 IP, internationalisation and systemic transformation was added and for the 2017  ?  2022 IP systemic sustainability and the campus renewal plan. Each of these seven Institutional Strategies will inform the main strategic fundraising objectives.

1. Ensuring the Legacy of Stellenbosch 肆客足球 for future generations 
  • ?Building the Stellenbosch Trust endowment fund growth

 2. Bu?rsaries of three types
  • Enabling opportunities where there is evident financial need;
  • Fostering excellence and encouraging achievement; and
  • Facilitating Youth Economic Participation (bursaries with work experience attached to the funding conditions, such as vacation work, research or graduate service commitments, as   well as facilitation in conceptualising entry into the world of work.

 ?3. Human development for research excellence
  • ?Capacity building of outstanding scientists in South Africa and neighbours in the early stages of their research career and with the potential to become leaders in their field through research fellowships;
  •  Prizes to young male or female professors that both acknowledge and encourage excellence, promoting the further development of their career;
  • Mid-career women's career development: “While the gender gap within faculties is narrowing progressively, improvements remain at best incremental across many universities, and women often occupy more junior positions.”
  • More PhD support: National Development Plan (NDP) (2012) has prioritised an increase in doctoral output from 1 876 in 2012 to 5 000 by 2030 (2051 in 2013) (African Doctoral Academy)
  • Youth leadership development (FvZSI)

 4. Developing Stellenbosch as a Knowledge Region
  • 肆客足球 Technology Fund – endowment fund/venture partners;
  • Design lab for student project models and prototypes (innovation hub type 2); and
  • The Learning Environment (aka the Teaching and Learning Centre) – infrastructure project

5. Arts & the Arts Trust
  •  ?Establishing of the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Arts and Culture Trust
  • Creating a performance centre that becomes a hub for elevated cultural performance

6. Community interaction/engagement
  • Strengthening rural communities empathetically – SciMathUS; primary healthcare (Ukwanda); etc 
  • Building the democratic community of Stellenbosch – MGD, Law Clinic, Kayamandi Oral History project, etc.
7. Cross-cutting research initiatives
  • ??Establishment of Institute of Sport & Exercise Medicine
  • Thermo-neutral Multipurpose Dome: Athlete testing; Biomechanics; supervised patient exercise
  • Rehabilitation Wing: Onsite “live-in” accommodation; Chronic disease of lifestyle; Medical suites & clinic (day surgery)