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The Corporate Communication and Marketing Division is calling on the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 (SU) community to participate in the ※Have your say: SU Stakeholder Engagement Review§. As members of the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 (SU) community you can now have your say by participating in a new SU stakeholder engagement review organised by the 肆客足球*s Corporate Communication and Marketing Division.

The review will identify effective engagement strategies and develop best practices to enhance collaboration and mutual growth in line with SU*s Vision 2040 and Strategic Framework 2019每2024.

Your participation in the engagement initiative will provide us with an in-depth understanding of your perceptions of SU as a higher education institution and identify areas of concern and areas that need improvement.


Participation is open to all SU stakeholders, including current students, alumni, faculty members, industry partners and community members. Stakeholders will be able to participate in the review by completing online questionnaires, participating in focus groups or interviews, attending workshops and providing feedback through an online portal.

The engagement initiative will make use of qualitative and quantitative research solutions. Qualitative research involves sampling the attitudes, experiences, motivations and drivers of behaviour of a diverse, randomly chosen group of stakeholders. Quantitative research involves sampling the feedback of all SU stakeholders via an email invitation with a link to an online questionnaire.

It is important to note that your participation in the engagement initiative is entirely voluntary. All personal information and responses will remain confidential. The final report will be made available on our website and key insights will be shared through our newsletters and other communication channels.

Research partner

The research will be conducted by Lodestar Marketing Research, a South African provider of qualitative and quantitative research solutions designed to meet research and strategic objectives.

For enquiries about the project

Corporate Communication and Marketing Division

Visibly Featured: SU Main
Published Date: 7/18/2024
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System Account Wed, 13 Mar 2013 16:09:05 GMT /english/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=1
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From pioneering research and innovative advancements to transformative community work, Stellenbosch 肆客足球 staff are making a lasting impact on South Africa and beyond. As we commemorate National Women*s Month, we present a special webpage featuring articles, photographs, and editorials that honour the exceptional contributions of #WomenofSU to society. Their efforts are pivotal to SU*s vision of becoming Africa*s leading research-intensive university, globally recognised as excellent, inclusive and innovative, where we advance knowledge in service of society.

2024 Templeton
Prize Laureate

Prof Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, the SARChI Chair for Violent Histories and Historical Trauma and the founding Director of the Centre for the Study of the Afterlife of Violence and the Reparative Quest was named the 2024 Templeton Prize Laureate.

Read more

Nadine Moodie

Meet the Deputy-Chairperson of the SU Council

Dr Antoinette van der Merwe

Driving sustainable digital transformation

Prof Ronelle Carolissen

Transformation through student life and communities

Prof Ingrid Woolard

Top Dutch university awards honorary professorship to SU Dean

Dr Dina Miora

From Madagascar to the world with a PhD in physics

Dr Gest谷l Kuyler

Polymer innovator helps to transform world of medicine

Miriam Hoosain

Chief Director of Human Resources leads by example

Prof Lungiswa Nkonki

Developing modules to elevate healthcare economics

Dr Sarah Camp

Adventurous doctor with a heart of gold gets 7 distinctions

Dr Mosima Mabitsela

Family sells tractor to help daughter pursue PhD in agriculture

Prof Angela Dramowski

International recognition for NeoAMS programme

Ntokozo Ndlovu

Master*s student graduates with distinction in field that ※chose her§

Dr Nicole Taylor

New technology aims to help seafarers combat seasickness

Dr Marietjie Lutz

Cycling initiative raises tuition support

Melissa M邦ller

South Africa*s top 2023 matriculant now a proud Matie

Dr Ethel Phiri

Research targets climate-smart indigenous crops

Lize Briel

Young composer makes her mark on world stage

Prof Marlo M?ller & Prof Samantha Sampson

R28M grant advances bioinformatics training in Africa

Prof Donita Africander

Advancing women*s health through groundbreaking research

Maureen Etuket

PhD student awarded prestigious social impact prize

Melissa Siegelaar

Skills exchange programme with Lund 肆客足球

#WomenofSU are trailblazers, influential opinionmakers, and thought leaders. Their perspectives on current issues are highly respected, both locally and internationally, and frequently feature in columns, opinion editorials, and televised interviews. Explore some of their latest media appearances..

Stellenbosch 肆客足球, as an employer of choice, values workplace diversity and leverages the unique talents and strengths of our dynamic staff. During our annual Workers' Day celebrations in May, we shared a glimpse into #adayinthelife of some of our team members. Here*s more about some of the #WomenofSU highlighted in that campaign.

Corina du Toit

Manager: Sustainable Development Impact Hub

Meggan Ceylon

Events and Conferencing Specialist: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Valdene Southon

Assistant: Campus Health Service

Khanyisa Xinwa

Student Support Coordinator: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Lisinda de Jager

Cluster education coordinator/ Resident Head of Heemstede: Division of Student Affairs

Christine Groenewald

Environmental Sustainability Coordinator: Facilities Management

Visibly Featured: SU Main
Published Date: 7/16/2024
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Grobler, I, Me [] Tue, 16 Jul 2024 08:14:20 GMT /english/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=286
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Have your say: Stellenbosch 肆客足球 stakeholder engagement review 每 FAQs

The Corporate Communication and Marketing Division of Stellenbosch 肆客足球 (SU) initiated the review to explore and improve the relationship between Stellenbosch 肆客足球 and its various stakeholders 每 students, alumni, faculty, industry partners and community members. We aim to identify effective engagement strategies and develop best practices to enhance collaboration and mutual growth.

The review project is open to all stakeholders of SU, including current students, alumni, faculty members, industry partners and community members. We value diverse perspectives and encourage anyone connected to the 肆客足球 to participate.

Your contributions will help improve stakeholder engagement practices and enhance collaboration and communication within the 肆客足球 community.

Your feedback will inform and potentially influence the 肆客足球*s engagement policies and strategies, leading to more effective and responsive practices.

You can participate in the review by:

  • completing an online survey;
  • participating in a focus group or interview;
  • attending stakeholder workshops; or
  • providing feedback through our online portal.

The Corporate Communication and Marketing Division of SU will contact you via email. Should you agree to participate in the review, external service provider Lodestar Marketing Research will contact you directly to arrange a suitable date and time to facilitate your participation.

We will start initiating contact with you between July and August this year.

Participation is voluntary. As much as we would like all stakeholders to express their views, there is no pressure on you to take part.

There is no financial compensation for participation in the interviews and focus groups. However, participants will receive a summary of the research findings. Online participants will be entered into a draw for one of five R1 000 cash lucky draws.

We take the protection of your privacy very seriously. Your name, personal information and responses will remain confidential. Only aggregated results will be reported. Your responses will be used for research only. No marketing or sales activity will be sent to you as a direct result of your responses.

The time it will take to participate is as follows:

  • Surveys 每 10 to 15 minutes
  • Focus groups and interviews 每 up to 1 hour
  • Workshops and online feedback sessions 每 1 to 2 hours

Yes, you can withdraw at any time without any penalty. Simply notify us of your decision and we will remove your data from our records.

Yes, participants will receive a summary of the research findings. The final report will also be made available on our website and key insights will be shared through our newsletters.

The research will be conducted by Lodestar Marketing Research, a South African provider of qualitative and quantitative research solutions that are designed to meet research and strategic objectives.

The Lodestar team consists of experienced focus group moderators and interviewers and is led by managing director Sylvia Jones who has more than 25 years* experience in marketing research. Louise Pitt with over 20 years* experience as a focus group moderator and personal interviewer and Mpumelelo Mthembu with 14 years* experience as a focus group moderator and personal interviewer, make up the rest of the team.

If you have any further questions or need more information, please contact us at [email address] or call [phone number]. Our team will be happy to assist.

Visibly Featured: SU Main
Published Date: 7/18/2024
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Grobler, I, Me [] Thu, 18 Jul 2024 08:14:36 GMT /english/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=288
SUBrandIdentity_肆客足球 /english/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=254 Contact: Grobler, I, Me []
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Page Content: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Stellenbosch 肆客足球 Corporate Identity

Stellenbosch 肆客足球 brand???

Pursue. Discover. Together.

This page provides you with the guidelines and tools to implement our visual identity and
 convey our brand positioning in your day-to-day communication.

Helping you find your way ?

When creating content and messaging for the 肆客足球, consult the sections under Brand positioning to accurately capture our style of communication. 

When using our logo, slogan and brand graphics, consult the sections under Visual communication to portray a consistent image.

? Please note that downloads are available only to users with a Stellenbosch 肆客足球 login. ?

Still looking for something?????


In accordance with our phased approach to rebranding, some assets are still in the making. We will be adding additional downloadable templates as we go and we welcome your ideas on how these can be improved. So, please do share your feedback with us, watch this space and stay up to date with developments by reading the 肆客足球*s newsletter channels.??

Let's tackle your brand identity needs together?

Are you and your team seeking guidance and growth in understanding the essence of the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 brand? Whether it's cultivating a brand-centric mindset towards design, content creation, or delving into the intricacies of branding itself, we're here to support you. Reach out to our Branding Team to arrange a tailored workshop, crafted to meet the needs of your department. Contact us today!

pdf.png?Click here to b?ecome a 肆客足球-led brand guru



? email icon.jpg



  ?? Brand communication

The way forward_1.jpg

?Visual communication?

? Brand posiitioning_1.jpg

Brand content.jpg? ? ?




























Visibly Featured: SU Main
Published Date: 2/8/2022
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Grobler, I, Me [] Tue, 08 Feb 2022 08:47:30 GMT /english/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=254
GBV_肆客足球 /english/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=285 Contact: Grobler, I, Me []
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Stellenbosch 肆客足球 takes a zero-tolerance approach to racism, discrimination, prejudice, violation of rights and violence on campus. We subscribe to the South African Constitution's values, those relating to human dignity, equality and freedom.


The Equality Unit

The Equality Unit implements the 肆客足球*s policies on unfair discrimination and harassment and on HIV/Aids and is committed to rooting out social injustice. The Unit has a reporting mechanism for students and staff to report all forms of unfair discrimination, sexual harassment, gender-based violence, victimisation and abuse. They also provide the Stellenbosch 肆客足球 community with services, training and interventions to combat gender violence and HIV/Aids and offers support with LGBTQIA+ issues.

Read more about the Equality Unit >

Gender-based violence: Questions and Answers

General information:

GBV is the act of physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm perpetuated on an individual based on their gender or sexuality. GBV includes violence from any person (known or unknown), sexual assault, rape and flashing.

GBV can occur both the private and public sphere (at home, at university, at work, in public transportation, in the street, etc.).

GBV can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status.

GBV violence takes many forms and can be subtle, physical, emotional, verbal, coercive and psychological.

Sexual violence and harassment and coercive behaviour are acts of sexual violence that leave you exposed and pressured, tricked, threatened or forced into sexually exploitative situations. Examples include catcalling, forced or manipulated into having sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances or sexual requests.

Reporting GBV, discrimination and harassment:

Incidents can be reported to or in person at the Equality Unit at Huis Simon Nkoli House, 39 Victoria Street, Stellenbosch. You can also click HERE to report an incident.

This includes incidents of sexual misconduct, gender-based violence, sexual abuse, intimate partner violence and victimisation including sexual harassment, stalking, rape, and sexual coercion.

Reporting can be done anonymously if needed.

Once you lodge a complaint, an Equality Unit case officer is assigned to your complaint.

The case officer will contact you for a meeting and assists with completing the online form if needed. A preliminary assessment is completed at your first meeting, and thereafter information is gathered from witnesses or respondents. An advisor then provides recommendations to the Head of the Equality Unit. Your case officer will give you feedback on the next steps.

No, there is no time limit. However, we advise that the complainant reports as soon as they can.

Yes, the Equality Unit will advise you on the necessary support that can be provided. This could include counselling, assistance with lodging a complaint at the South African Police Service and other support services provided by the Stellenbosch Thuthuzela Care Centre, which is based at the Stellenbosch GBV centre in Idas Valley.

Prevention and awareness:

If you suspect someone is experiencing GBV, approach them in a private, safe and non-judgmental manner. Offer your support and listen to them. Encourage them to seek help from professionals at the Equality Unit.

Friends and family can support a GBV survivor by listening without judgment, offering emotional and practical support, respecting their decisions, and encouraging them to seek professional help. Providing a safe and understanding environment is crucial for their healing process. Also assure them of confidentiality.

You can become involved by educating yourself and others about GBV, and supporting activities arranged by various structures and departments at the 肆客足球.

The Stellenbosch GBV Centre in Idas Valley collaborates with various partners, through its GBV Hub, to offer training and workshops on GBV-related issues. Located on the same premises, the INSPIRE (Initiative for Non-violence, Support, Prevention, Intervention, Research, and Education) Facility provides a dedicated space for training on anti-GBV, non-violence, and social change-oriented research. The INSPIRE Facility is managed by the SU Equality Unit. Click here to read more.

In addition, you can also support local organisations that work with survivors, volunteering your time and advocating for policy changes. Raising awareness through social media, events and community outreach can also make a significant impact in the fight against GBV.


Report gender-based violence

Click HERE to report all forms of sexual misconduct, gender-based violence, sexual abuse, intimate partner violence and victimisation including sexual harassment, stalking, rape and sexual coercion. You can also report incidents of unfair discrimination including racism, gender and identity discrimination. Incidents can also be reported to or in person at the Equality Unit at Huis Simon Nkoli House, 39 Victoria Street, Stellenbosch.

Reporting can be done anonymously if needed.

Visibly Featured: SU Main
Published Date: 6/28/2024
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Grobler, I, Me [] Fri, 28 Jun 2024 10:03:52 GMT /english/Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=285