The SUN-IRG functions within the Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics and works in close collaboration with the mycobacteriology groups of Prof Paul van Helden (HOD), Prof Rob Warren (molecular epidemiology, strain typing), and Prof Tommie Victor (molecular diagnostics and drug resistance). We form part of the Department of Science and Technology/South African National Research Foundation Centre for Excellence in Biomedical TB Research and the South African Medical Research Council Centre for Molecular and Cellular Biology. The group has close links to the epidemiology and operational research groups of Prof Nulda Beyers, (Desmond Tutu TB Centre and Department of Pediatrics), the pediatric TB group of Prof Anneke Hesseling and the clinical trial unit of Prof Mark Cotton (KidCru). We work with several international consortia on large cohorts of participants with well characterized MTB infection and disease phenotypes to search for biomarkers of TB.They include:
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Universiteit Stellenbosch
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Stellenbosch, Suid Afrika
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